Micheal H Nguyen

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since Jan 12, 2006
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Recent posts by Micheal H Nguyen

Let say we have an atomic function Compare-and-Swap:
if (a==c){
c = b; return 0;
}else { a = c; return 1;}>
How do we use this CSW(a,b,c) to develop a solution to the critical section problem for n threads?
Thank you
just got it today. Had no experience at all before. Studied in 1.5 month
Books to read: HFE, spec, some mock exam. The exam is quite close to the mock exam in HFE
Do we have transaction in entity. If we do, do we have to finish the transaction before the method ends?

so they should specify that in the spec then. Like:

The enterprise bean home and component interfaces, for session and entity only.

but they didn't say that
If we see that kind of question in the exam, what should we do?
From the spec:
The ejb-jar file must contain, either by inclusion or by reference, the class files of each enterprise bean as follows:

The enterprise bean class.
The enterprise bean home and component interfaces.
The primary key class if the bean is an entity bean.
The ejb-jar file must also contain, either by inclusion or by reference, the class files for all the classes and interfaces that each enterprise bean class and the home and component interfaces depend on, except J2EE and J2SE classes.
The Application Assembler must not package the stubs of the EJBHome and EJBObject interfaces in the ejb-jar file.

but, in the case of Message Driven Bean, there is no home, no component, so how can we include those files into ejb-jar file?
Hey Lodra, you can email me at [email protected], I can give you some more tip for the exam
Sun says that you have to buy this vouncher in between March 21 and June 23 2007. Does that mean that the day you take the exem has to be in that time? or could be any time? Any one really know about what they mean?
It works to me. I guess you may wanna check your proxy or st
Hello everyone, I am new to this forum, can anyone show me how to get the assignment, get helped, and submit the assignment.
Thank you
18 years ago
I just downloaded the Eclipse, but I couldn't use the debug funtion, it says something like:
FATAL ERROR in native method: JDWP No transports initialized, jvmtiError=JVMTI_ERROR_INTERNAL(113)
ERROR: transport error 202: connect failed: Connection refused ["transport.c",L41]
ERROR: JDWP Transport dt_socket failed to initialize, TRANSPORT_INIT(510) ["debugInit.c",L500]
JDWP exit error JVMTI_ERROR_INTERNAL(113): No transports initialized

does anyone know how to fix it? I use Java 5.0
Thank you
I just downloaded the Eclipse, but I couldn't use the debug funtion, it says something like:
FATAL ERROR in native method: JDWP No transports initialized, jvmtiError=JVMTI_ERROR_INTERNAL(113)
ERROR: transport error 202: connect failed: Connection refused ["transport.c",L41]
ERROR: JDWP Transport dt_socket failed to initialize, TRANSPORT_INIT(510) ["debugInit.c",L500]
JDWP exit error JVMTI_ERROR_INTERNAL(113): No transports initialized

does anyone know how to fix it? I use Java 5.0
Thank you