George Stoianov

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I like the plug-ins that way you can pick and choose what you want like you said.

Does the book provide any examples on how to adapt an existing web site and add some new functionality or do you do a project from the grounds up and follow it through out. Do you have a chapter summary or a sample chapter on the net somewhere??

Isn't there an init.d script you can use to start mysql something like:

also please find the log file and post its content as with what you have posted it is really difficult to say why MySQL just ends for apperantly no reason.

17 years ago
I was just looking at some of the plug-ins and there are so many of them. This one is very cool jQZoom plug-in for jQuery.
Don't get me wrong I am all for web 2.0 or yahoo mail with java script and drag-and-drop compared to regular simple HTML it is so much better.
17 years ago
Yes, Firebug is really cool.

As compared to what? You can't modify GWT, an open source project?

What I meant is that to modify GWT you would probably have to modify the JavaScript compiler, but yes you can do that, with jQuery you can modify the JavaScript. I think that would be easier.... or do I have the wrong assumption.

While this may be a greater concern today its always been a concern in web development. Its not specifically tied to "web 2.0".

If you meant security, yes it has always been and always will be. As far as weird client problems I dare say that with complex JavaScript processing on the Client as compared to all processing done on the server you would run into more client issues that are hard to get information on and troubleshoot.
17 years ago
To add to this I think one of the advantages being mentioned for GWT as opposed a JavaScript library is the fact that GWT is java so you can apply unit testing etc. and treat it as regular java, whereas JavaScript is difficult to test and troubleshoot, because of its underlying design features.

On the other hand I think something like jQuery would come in very handy if you had to add some things to an already existing application where you can pick and choose what you want and where. It is more light weight to implement and less binding. Think about Java and C++ , I sure do not want to keep track of garbage collection having used Java for so long .

Actually my statement above maybe incorrect, watching one of the presentations on youtube I remember the google engs saying you can edit your JavaScript as well so it really is being placed as the JavaScript choice for Java developers.

Plus the other thing with pure JavaScript is that you still see the nuts and bolts and can, if you so desire (being a Linux fan I hold that dear), make modifications and implement things differently.

It all comes down to what do you consider to be your core area and how much control you need over what is being put in a page you produce. With one or the other you get a huge amount of your work done by someone else. I mean the things you can do with jQuery are great and GWT is nice too, but getting JavaScript to work with so many browsers and quirks can be difficult and that is why I value .

One thing that is kind of a concern for me is that with this web 2.0 craze applications are again moving to the client and that has its benefits and disadvantages as well. Yes, you do put all the code in on the server but what happens on the client is not under your control, so as someone supporting and writing this stuff I can see some how some problems may crop up that are hard to troubleshoot. The security aspects of this stuff are also interesting.

My 0.02 cents.
17 years ago
This is really good. I assume that includes the UI components as well right?
So in essence I can add it to any JSF or other component by adding the path to the source and the respective method calls. Does jQuery provide a way to perform browser detection and adjust the method calls and format automatically?


I would like to ask the authors if there is any connection between jQuery and JSF. I do not have any knowledge of jQuery, but know that it is a JavaScript DOM library as such I see very good use for it in JSF components which let me develop quicker, is it ease to integrate jQuery into JSF or a similiar component based framework?

Look at the RDBM's character escape sequence, or you might consider using a prepared statement with the respective driver and this should be taken care of auto-magically.
Hi Nina,

One word of advice on SQL Server is make sure you are running the latest SP as MS is known for breaking its own stuff in the name of "security".

It seems like you are connecting to the loopback interface or localhost, so you may want to have a look at the sql server logs and whether your attempt actually gets registered there as the TCP IP error is indicative of a network problem. Please post the complete error message as well. And one more thing go over your network configuration in SQL Server again and post all properties you see with their values, make sure there is no list or other sort of limit on accepting connections from localhost, also make sure the server is not switching ports for some reason or using named pipes for localhost connections or something strange like that.

Hello guys,

I am trying to setup Oracle Connection Pooling for a webapp I am working on. I am using the following code:

I am going through R.M. Menon's book and I am a little confused between the pool and cache concepts I guess. What I mean is in the above code I am using a single pooled connection and getting logical connections from it, 10 in this case, what I am wondering is how many logical connections (Connection objects) can ride on a single PooledConnection??? I mean why have multiple physical if one can handle many logical once, what is the point of caching the physical connections? Why do we need OCI then? When am I supposed to open a new physical from the cache???

I know lots of questions but I thought I can try my luck and see what you guys have to say. I am using Java 1.5 and Oracle 10g backend with the oracle 10g jdbc driver, I need/wish to use that.


[ December 11, 2007: Message edited by: George Stoianov ]
[ December 11, 2007: Message edited by: George Stoianov ]
It sounds like a size issue or something of that sort for, but anything that makes the customer happy. I would definitely try to figure it out, if I was you, once you have him off your back.

Good luck.
17 years ago
Thank you guys, this is good. I am going to contemplate a little more and maybe take the plunge.

Best to you!
Hello Sid,

I am not exactly sure from your post what the goal of this framework is? Is it a server for something? Is it a network server? What does it do at the end?

You are saying that you need to validate the request and response and they will actually be a hashmap in disguise. I assume you wish to validate the contents of the hashmap. and I assume that that is the payload of important data you are interested in, right?

I am going to use an example to illustrate my point here lets take an HTTP server and see the implications of your decisions in that context, since you have not provided one :
An HTML request and response need to follow a specific format so that browsers are able to read and process them. If you had a browser that was processing different types of inputs, therefore different request and response formats, lets say HTTP and FTP protocols then having a way to define the format at run time or declaratively is a good thing as long as your program will accomodate all possible variations...

Your arguement, to have interfaces to define the request and response, does not necessarily go against having xml files to validate the request and response as it pertains more to how you are going to handle this content (validate request and responses) in your code ... and if you suspect to change the request and response format and content you better have interfaces or you will be programming a pretty bug prone thing .

just me .02 cents
[ April 24, 2007: Message edited by: George Stoianov ]