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We're giving away four copies of Helidon Revealed: A Practical Guide to Oracle’s Microservices Framework and have Michael Redlich on-line!
See this thread for details.

Christian Nash

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since Jan 17, 2006
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Recent posts by Christian Nash


I am trying to access an ms access database. Have already setup the system dsn. i am able to access the database through a java file but not through the jsp and servlets.

below is the code i use to connect to the database:

I get the following exception:
Hey dude,

You still have a long way to go since you are still only 18 years old. You can think of going for an mba only after another 3-4 years when you get a bachelors degree. DO NOT go for an online mba. They are of no use to you if you aren't strictly disciplined. If you do not get into any of the IIM's, it is not the end of the world. There are so many other institutes in India you can apply for. Though IIM's have a brand name, it will all be up to you to get noticed.

Do not worry, your time will come
17 years ago
No i do not want to merger these two files. I want to have a single properties file with the below key and value:

Now i would like to access this file viz modify.xsl which is placed in the WEB-INF/xsl folder/directory of mmy web project. Would it be possible to access this file irrespective of whether it is a jar/war/simple file?

From above post, you can see that i have two property files with different paths for the values. I would like to have a single property file which would work under any scenario.
17 years ago
Hi all,

I have two property files having key value pairs. While the names of the keys are the same, the values of these keys are different in these files. viz.
xsl_file_path=file:///C:/Documents and Settings/Desktop/My_workspace/MyAppWeb/webApplication/xsl/modify.xsl

I want to have a single properties file and i want to access the key and value pair using relative paths. Please tell me how i can achieve such a thing. If you can suggest me some tutorials or examples, i would really appreciate it.
17 years ago
try inserting it as a BLOB[binary large object]
Oops Sorry...posted it again..Some system error..Please delete one of these posts. deeply regret the mistake..

(I deleted the other one. By the way I believe you can delete your own posts; you should see a little "Delete Post" icon at the bottom. - PC)
[ September 11, 2007: Message edited by: Paul Clapham ]

I have an input xml file and an xsl file. The xsl converts the input xml into an output xml file. My doubt is: I have an element with 2 attributes in the input xml. I want these attributes in the output xml as well. Is it possible to retain these attribute names and values dynamically using the xsl file?
Hey this is what i did....

Hope this helps
17 years ago
The values come up as empty because you may not be sending this arrayList as a parameter during jsp form submit to Action 2 or some error in the jsp. Please post the jsp.
17 years ago
Hey Paul,

Thanks a lot for the inputs.

I implemented the above in a recursive manner (i made a rule in my xsl file) when I have to search for a particular word in a paragraph and make it bold (I pass the string/word to be boldened as a parameter to this rule). Was wondering if I can do this for some other words in the paragraph too.


I have an xml file having certain elements.One of them is the biography element viz. <biography>My name is Christian</biography>. I have a corresponding xsl for this to generate a html format. I wanted to know as to how i can make the different parts of the text inside biography to appear as bold. i.e. i want the biography text to be output as My name is Christian. How can i write a xsl rule to check for multiple occurrences of these words in a paragraph? Will be thankful for any guidance.

[ August 06, 2007: Message edited by: Christian Nash ]
Is it possible to highlight certain words in a paragraph irrespective of the occurrence of the words using the same template. for eg: I have a line of text like 'My name is Christian. Christian Roger Nash'. I would like to make both the words 'Christian' and 'Nash' bold. How can I do this?
Go through the Struts Survival Guide by Srikanth Shenoy. It explains everything in detail.
17 years ago
Go through the Struts Survival Guide by Srikanth Shenoy. It explains everything in detail.
17 years ago

When i submit a form , the request is getting submitted twice. I'm using Websphere Application server which I have modified according to requirement. Also i use Struts as the frontend framework. Here i have created a custom servlet by extending the ActionServlet. I am not able to pin point the actual area where these two threads are starting. Have checked for repeated form submissions due to submit buttons. No problem in this case. Can anyone tell me where the problem might lie??
[ June 08, 2007: Message edited by: Christian Nash ]
17 years ago