Edisandro Bessa

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Recent posts by Edisandro Bessa

Hi guys,

Is there some link where I can download the contents of Mikalai Zaikin's SCEA 5 Study Notes located at http://java.boot.by/scea5-guide/ for personal use ?

By the way, is it even allowed ? Or do I have to send him some email asking such permission ?

I know the contents is available in the web for free, however, I would really like to be able to read such contents offline.

I hope not be asking for illegal content. It's not my intention.

Best Regards,
[ September 01, 2008: Message edited by: Edisandro Bessa ]
Hi guys,
Am I expected to see some UML stuff on part #1 of the SCEA exam ?

Best Regards,
Wow Shakirow !

Thanks a lot for your so detailed post about each book necessary for each exame section.

Thank you very much.

By the way, you had the SCEA 5 in mind when posting these books, right ?
Nice !

Thanks for your valuable inputs.
Hi guys,

You should be bored to be answering this questions so many times, h� ?

Well, I've already made a research but I could not find any book specifically aimed for the new release of this certification, so I think I need to gather a few books, tutorials and so on in order to start my preparation for the SCEA, right ?

So, in my humble request, could you please post here some links which direct me to the correct stuff ?

Since there's no specific book for this exam, could you please tell me which books I REALLY need to buy as well as exam simulators and tutorials so that I can really pass the exam.

Some links and tips would be highly appreciated.

Best Regards,
Dear Steven,

Could you please share with us the link where you found the source code containing some sample applications that use JGoodies libs ?

It seems you have some experience in developing Java Desktop Applications. So, could you please refer to both of my threads I've created on this site and give me some useful answers ?

Where do I find JGOODIES code samples ?

Must have libraries for Swing - Need guidance

I would be very thankful for your replies.

Thanks in Advance,
[ March 04, 2008: Message edited by: Edisandro Bessa ]
16 years ago
Hi guys,

I'm looking for some free swing visual components and frameworks not included on default JDK which I can use for creating a real world application.

I mean, I'd like to know which tools I can use for binding, validation, resource loading, etc... as well as a good set of Swing visual components for free.

I've found JGoodies plus Swing Application Framework (JSR 296) a good combination, however, I still have doubts regarding what's the most widely used visual components library when creating a professional Swing application.

As you may know, there's no default swing component on JDK for manipulating dates, or even numbers without have to do some coding, so I think I need a more professional solution for this.

I found SwingX very useful but I'd really like to hear your opinions regarding which tools I could use for a better productivity.

Do you think the following libraries are a good approach ?

JGoodies + Swing Application Framework (JSR 296) + SwingX

Do you think these tools are easily configurable on NetBeans 6 ?
[ February 25, 2008: Message edited by: Edisandro Bessa ]
16 years ago
Hi guys,

I've just downloaded JGoodies Libraries and some of sample applications as .exe files, however, I could not find the source code used to create those applications.

Do you know guys where can I find the source code of all the sample applications ?
16 years ago
Dear Andre,

Thanks a lot for your very prompt reply.

I read all three links you posted and It really opened my mind.

After read this I'm sure that I have to start from big to specific and not the opposite as I was thinking.

Thanks a lot man.

By the way ... Which region of Brazil do you live ?

I live in Amazon.

17 years ago
Dear All,

Firstly, I'd like to say that this message is very important for me. So, I'd really appreciate your replies.

Well, I work for a big well known company and market leader in the electronics field. So, this year we (our development team) have a very big challenge.

Due to top-down decision, we are expected to gradually convert our current desktop legacy applications to Java/Swing as well as implement new system features by using the Java language.

However, our development team has NO Java knowledge, except me, because in the past I reached both SCJP 5 and SCWCD 1.4 certifications as well as a postgraduate degree on WEB Development with Java, even though I've never used Java before in the professional field.

Because of these certifications, postgraduate degree and another certification I have on management field, I'm now in charge to guide our development team (about nine people) and the IT manager regarding investiments on training, best technologies to use and any other kind of things related to Java language such as mentoring the team on technical issues, hands-on coding when needed (and it will be needed for sure !), best design patterns, versioning control, security and deployment of applications on users, etc ...

To be honest, I also know at this time that I'm the most indicated person to perform this kind of "expert judgment role".

I'm not afraid of this challenge and I'm really willing to face this as a great oppotunity to advance in my carreer.

However, even though I may know many things about Java (And I'm expected to know because of my certifications), I don't have the professional Java experience, which sometimes make me think that I'd need some kind of professional support and guidance.

Here lives the problem, these days companies are not willing to spend so much money, it doesn't matter whether the company is big or small, market leader or not, they simply don't want to spend money and it's already clear for me since I received this new company requirement information.

We have a very good budget for training but I don't think they would like to spend more money with professional mentoring or support, so I know that I have to walk on my own legs and help our team to reach this new achievement by using my own knowledge and self paced capacities.

In face of this, I would really like to ask you how would you start if you were me, I'm not telling about trainning because I think it's easy to solve but specially about techologies (JPA or JDBC, Socket or RMI, iReports or any other tool, CVS, Subversion, etc...), design patterns and the base infrastructure such as common database access and other utilitary classes, versioning control (which is totally different from what we use today) and application deployment on users which today is done by manually installing some packages on users through the network.

I know where to find information about technologies, I know where to find trainning for our team but what are the KEY points I'd have to pay special attention when adopting a new programming language such as Java ?

Best regards guys and thanks in advance for reading my post.

17 years ago
Hi Lynn,

As an expert you are, in your opinion, what are the most common mistakes developers do when submitting SQL statements to database and how can we avoid that ?

and ...

In your whole career, I'm just curious to know what is the most bizar SQL mistake you have ever seen.

Best Regards,
Edisandro Bessa.
[ October 19, 2007: Message edited by: Edisandro Bessa ]
I'm curious to know whether or not SQL tunning is covered in this book ?

Sometimes, from the SQL execution plan point of view, it's faster to construct an exists statement than submitting a straight join to database.

However, it's very hard to decide about that. Does HF SQL cover SQL tunning basic procedures and tips ?

Best Regards,
[ October 19, 2007: Message edited by: Edisandro Bessa ]
Hi Lynn,

Over the years we have seen a bunch of technologies and tools related to database modeling/development such as stored procedures, triggers, views, datawarehousing, geografical data gathering, fine grained cubes, OLAP, MOLAP, HOLAP ... bla bla bla ... which are very helpful for us on these days.

Even considering the recent days, there is still so much effort to become what is already better in something so much better, for example, the recent Java EJB3 specs which allow developers to construct queries from within their applications by solely using Java objects as they are used to do on database tables thru native SQL.

Still on Java arena, there is the JPA technology which controls behind the scenes all aspects of database transactions commonly handled manually by developers in old days.

So, we can see trends where community efforts are aimed to isolate developers from very proprietary SQL and tunning, or at least, reduce the need of developer involviment on very low details of SQL programming.

What do you think about that ? As an expert, what do you think we are gonna see over next years on SQL arena?

Best Regards,
Edisandro Bessa.
[ October 16, 2007: Message edited by: Bear Bibeault ]
Wow !

I've just finished my second question and I found you answered my first one !

I think this thread is better classified as a chat, isn't ?

Thanks a lot for your very prompt and detailed reply. Knowing what happens on author's brain is very interesting for us.

Best Regards,
Edisandro Bessa.
Hi Lynn,

A few years ago I was required to model a database structure which could provide fast performance report queries for managers and decision makers in the company where I've worked for.

At that time, I decided to create a non transactional database containing a lot of bi-dimensional tables and stored procedures with business rules for performing queries.

Nowadays, due to multi-dimensional modeling techniques and products/DBMS available, this "hard" work has became easier for sure.

So, does HF SQL book cover this knowledge field ? Specially on modeling techniques and queries arena where most of developers are involved ?

Best Regards,
Edisandro Bessa.