Michael Redlich

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Hi Jorge:

Many thanks on the congrats of my new book!  It took me over two years, but it was indeed worth it!

Anyway, I consider Helidon a framework similar to that of, say, Micronaut.  Quarkus, on the other hand, is a native stack that is "crafted from the best of breed Java libraries and standards."

As far as adding Helidon to another framework, I can say that Helidon is integrated with such technologies such as: Micronaut Data, EclipseStore (formerly MicroStream) and GraalVM.

I hope this helps.

All the best,

2 weeks ago
Hi Jorge:

Since this book was more for beginners, I didn't cover cloud integrations or other things such as GraalVM.

Yes, to the best of my knowledge, Helidon is better suited for OCI.  I seemed to have remembered that there was support for other cloud providers, but in my search for this information, I didn't find anything.  I will reach out to those who would know better than me.

All the best,

2 weeks ago
Hi Lanny:

This book does not compare why Helidon could be better than other frameworks.  I didn't think that would be fair.  The intent was to describe what Helidon offers and let the reader decide.

The section entitled "Helidon and the Java Community" describes instances where Helidon has been integrated with other technologies such as: GraalVM, Micronuat, the Jakarta Persistence specification, Kotlin, MicroStream (now EclipseStore). For GraalVM in particular, you were able to create native images of Helidon SE applications starting with version 1.0, but not Helidon MP applications due to the heavy use of reflection.  However, one of the big features of Helidon 2.0 was that the Helidon team was able to overcome the reflection limitation such that Helidon MP applications were able to be converted to native image.

Helidon is unique with its SE and MP flavors.  Helidon SE is functional style and offers components such as: a web server based on virtual threads, a web client, security and observability (metrics, fault tolerance, etc.).  Helidon MP is declarative style with heavy use of annotations and is an implementation of the MicroProfile specifications.  You can use any Jakarta EE-compliant application server to deploy your applications.

Comparing one framework over another is an age-old question.  Years ago, someone once told me that you would choose a language based on what you need to accomplish.  I believe the same could be said for frameworks.

I hope this answers your question.

All the best,

3 weeks ago
Hi Anthony:

Helidon SE provides core functional-style APIs for building microservices-based applications. An application server is not required as Helidon SE provides a virtual web server along with components such as: a web client, a database client, security and observability (metrics, fault tolerance, etc.).

This is the list functional style properties:

* Functional style APIs
* Reactive and nonblocking (Helidon 1.0 through Helidon 3.0)
* Virtual threads (Helidon 4.0 and beyond)
* Tiny memory footprint
* No annotations
* No dependency injection
* No enterprise Java standards support

Here is an example of functional style for starting the Helidon web server:

Helidon MP is declarative style with heavy use of annotations and an implementation of the MicroProfile 6.1 specifications for building microservices-based applications. You can use any Jakarta EE-compliant application server to deploy your applications.

This is the list declarative style properties:

* Declarative style APIs
* Blocking and synchronous
* Small memory footprint
* Heavy use of annotations
* Jakarta Contexts and Dependency Injection (CDI)
* Full support of MicroProfile and partial support of Jakarta EE

Here is an example of declarative style for defining a REST application:

I hope this helps!

All the best,

3 weeks ago
Hi Pradeep:

This is an age-old question that developers have been asking for years!  I suppose that creators of these frameworks try to add some uniqueness relative to the others.  Let's take a look at what makes Helidon unique.

Helidon has been integrated with other technologies such as: GraalVM, Micronuat, the Jakarta Persistence specification, Kotlin, MicroStream (now EclipseStore). For GraalVM in particular, you were able to create native images of Helidon SE applications starting with version 1.0, but not Helidon MP applications due to the heavy use of reflection.  However, one of the big features of Helidon 2.0 was that the Helidon team was able to overcome the reflection limitation such that Helidon MP applications were able to be converted to native image.

Also, Helidon is unique with its two flavors: Helidon SE and Helidon MP.

Helidon SE is functional style and offers components such as: a web server based on virtual threads, a web client, security and observability (metrics, fault tolerance, etc.).

Helidon MP is declarative style with heavy use of annotations and is an implementation of the MicroProfile specifications.  You can use any Jakarta EE-compliant application server to deploy your applications.

I hope this answers your question.

All the best,

3 weeks ago
Hi Hiroki:

I wasn't familiar with the 1Z0-1113 Helidon test until I looked it up now.  So, I really don't know if this book would help with that test.  The book was written as a "getting started" guide to using Helidon.

All the best,

3 weeks ago
Hi Simon:

You pose an interesting question.  I will do my best to answer.

First, you mentioned older technologies.  Helidon was introduced to the Java community in the summer of 2018.  Similarly, Micronaut and Quarkus were introduced in early 2018 and early 2019, respectively.  Relative to, say, Spring Framework (introduced circa 2004), I would think that these are newer technologies.  But, I totally get what you mean.

I believe that I addressed this in Chapter 1 of the book.  The section entitled "Helidon and the Java Community" describes instances where Helidon has been integrated with other technologies such as: GraalVM, Micronuat, the Jakarta Persistence specification, Kotlin, MicroStream (now EclipseStore). For GraalVM in particular, you were able to create native images of Helidon SE applications starting with version 1.0, but not Helidon MP applications due to the heavy use of reflection.  However, one of the big features of Helidon 2.0 was that the Helidon team was able to overcome the reflection limitation such that Helidon MP applications were able to be converted to native image.

Also, Helidon is unique with its SE and MP flavors.  The former is functional style and offers components such as: a web server based on virtual threads, a web client, security and observability (metrics, fault tolerance, etc.).  The latter is declarative style with heavy use of annotations and is an implementation of the MicroProfile specifications.  You can use any Jakarta EE-compliant application server to deploy your applications.

I hope this answered your question and something for me to keep in mind moving forward.

All the best,

3 weeks ago