Hi all,
I'm having difficulty having an email conversation with the email address Sun provides for the SCJD.
See the email below.
I'm not sure what to do about this.
I got my grade: 310,
10 short on getting the certificate. In the report it says 10 points less on "General Considerations" and 80 less on "Locking". Ok, it doesn't lock enough, but it's still a lot of points considering the work in it. I think a percentage would be more elegant.
But then my problem, there's no reason given for the 10 points less

on "General Considerations". If I could just have that one straightened, I would right away do the exam once more . But the communication with Sun is difficult. See my email to Sun below.
On this email I got no answer from Sun on the 10 points part. Just again, the same sentence " Major point loss on Locking". So I sent an email Again, stating the question again asking kindly if they could read the email again and give an answer on the "General Considerations" part. I didnt'get an email back. I sent an email again, I still don't get an answer back. This is taking three weeks now. I don't like this style, I don't like them not answering back. Problem is, I can only talk to their email address...........Some other people dealt with this problem? I allready read somewhere on this forum that actually a third party is grading the exam. Someone knows which company?
[email protected] Onderwerp: SCJD - exam failed, I have a question
Headers: Alle headers weergeven
I just found out that I failed for the SCJD exam, that is all points (80) on Locking and 10 points on General Considerations.
For the Locking part there is a reason given; for the General Considerations there's no reason given why I have there -10 points.
I would be grateful to know, because for me it's easier and probably less risky (again a lot of money) to change the -10 points case on General Considerations, than to revise all of the locking part.
My details and exam details are copied below.
Thank you for considering,
Josine Wilms
Data Access Service�
Test: Sun Certified Developer for the Java 2 Platform (310-027)
Grade: F
Score: 310
Comment: This report shows the total 1.4 SCJD points that could have been awarded in each section, and the actual number of points you were awarded. This is provided to give you per-section feedback on your strengths. The maximum possible score is 400; the minimum to pass is 320.
General Considerations (maximum = 100): 90 Documentation (maximum = 70): 70
O-O Design (maximum = 30): 30
GUI (maximum = 40): 40
Locking (maximum = 80): 0 Data store (maximum = 40): 40
Network server (maximum = 40): 40
Major point loss for record-locking mechanism, which is not according to spec. Your lock() method does notblock when trying to lock a locked record.
[ February 20, 2007: Message edited by: josine wilms ]
[ February 21, 2007: Message edited by: josine wilms ]