Babji Reddy

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since Jan 24, 2006
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Recent posts by Babji Reddy

Does java 7 address any of the features from ehCache/big memory?
Many frameworks suggest using direct buffering to overcome jvm limitations, what does new java say about it?
12 years ago
worked like a charm! another happy client...
Thank you..
13 years ago
your suggestion seems much elegant than the if/else check that I am doing in JSTL. These if/else are making my JSTL tags messy
Can you please elaborate with a bit more if you do not mind.
How would such custom tag syntax looks like? and how will the code behind the tag looks like?
13 years ago
In a prototype, I need to use a run time translator service provided by the customer, and for certain strings that have capitalized strings the translated value remains same and the service does not add such strings to the bundle. The expected behavior is that if you don't find the translation display the source as is.

I have discussed with the customer to add the strings to bundle even if there is no translation, but in turn I was asked to see if I can render the original text as is. And JSTL adds the question marks.
13 years ago
In JSTL when we use a tag like
<fmt:message key="my.pending.key"/>

And if the resource bundle does not have an entry for that key, the HTML output will look like ???my.pending.key???

I know this helps in identifying the missing entries in the resource bundle and hence one can go and add them. But is there a way to tell JSTL not to render the question marks and just render the value as my.pending.key

13 years ago
Are there any costs involved in setting up a development environment. I have windows PC and Laptop with reasonably decent config. Now what are the next steps? I hear that one has to register as an Apple developer in order to get access to the development SDK.
Is this the only way or there are opensource alternatives?
14 years ago
I had faced similar error

/index.jsp(13,2) --> JSPG0046E: JSPG0046E: Unable to locate tagfile for tag window

Better way to debug this to set the flag in Webpshere to save the generated source code (jsp:attribute keepgenerated=true)

Then it may give some hint about the error in that line.

In my case I was using a bean in the .tag file which Websphere cannot resolve its type during runtime. So I had to change the type to java.lang.Object
It worked for me. I faced this error in Websphere 6.0 and hoped that IBM might fix this in 6.1. But its still the same.

RAD 7.5 sucks because it cannot show context sensitivie help (enter a '.' after the bean name and see its attributes) with or without changing it to java.lang.Object.

14 years ago
I use datepicker with option of opening the datepicker upon user 'focus' into a text field. It works fine.
However I noticed an ODD behavior with the user tabbing.
Lets say I have fields A,B,C,D and field B is configured with datepicker. If I tab from A to B (without selecting any date) to C to D it goes smooth.
But if I tab from A to B (select a date using mouse) and then click TAB, the next element in focus is not C, but some other browser field (like the address bar of browser)!

Anybody noticed this? if so any fixes / workaround for this behavior?
While Spring can work well with iBatis and Hibernate, are there any guiding factors to pick one Vs the other.
I hear from other peers that iBatis is more SQL friendly where as Hibernate is more Java code friendly, is this a valid observation. I have used Hibernate but not iBatis. Definitely liked Hibernate but using Hibernate is not by choice but thats what used in the organization.
14 years ago
in the Weblogic's description the bold text came with a precondition too that it needs certain Weblogic configuration params to be set.
So it means your design/code has to know what App server its going to be

To answer the pool giving always the same connection, if the spec lays out that connection pool should always give the same connection, and hence it cannot be given to others when not in use between the DAOs of the same EJB and hence its not worth spending time in closing it and reopening it and hence questions the DAO pattern.

The usage of same/different connection is based on XA/non-XA transaction, which is one of the reasons for this post. Ideally transaction manager should have configure-ability
to let it know that all the different involved DAOs use the same database and hence no need to take the overhead of two phase commit, but try to gather transaction data from various connections.

phew. thanks much for the clarification.

This means the transaction manager manages the 'transaction data' of each connection independent of each connection 'some where' and able to grab them at the end of the method to process commit / rollback.
And that's probably why the savepoint is not available in 'user transaction' API also, but just is in the connection object.

Can you suggest any reading to delve deep into this area.
Agree. So if within an EJB method two different connections are used, the EJB's transaction manager can commit/rollback the details touched by both of the connections. right?
Ram, thats exactly where my question is. You said

connection is used in a transaction and probably return the same connection object for your next call for getConnection() in dao2


Is it probably the same connection or always the same connection.

(1)If its probably same connection, which means the second dao is getting a different connection (under the same transaction), and hence the EJB's transaction manager is handiling the transaction that involves two different connections. Is this right?
And then In such case why would container have to do any thing special with the first connection (like keeping aside or lokced state), because by keeping the previously closed connection its wasting first connection. If the reason for keeping it aside/locked is to gather the associate the transaction data from the connection, then why would dao2 waste another connection instead of using the first connection.

(2) always the same connection doesn't seem right anyways.
That doesn't seem right.
If the same connection is needed back by the container for some other database operations within the same EJB method, then why would the conainer need to take an extra step of 'keeping the connection aside', because the connection as such is already in used/locked state.

Guess So far the anwer to my question is "No, you cannot release the connection and have it used by somebody else, and the same EJB method pick up another connection from pool".

Any other insight, guys.