mo sayed

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For me it'd have to be Brad Pitt's brother called Arm. He's not that well known.
16 years ago

I understand your frustration at the exorbitant cost of training in the UK.

Online resources are useful but can only help you so much.

I would suggest getting hold of the following books. I've found them to be a good introduction to Spring and Hibernate.

Spring In Action


Hibernate Made Easy

They're not voluminous and could be easily read in a short space of time. They'll help you to come to terms with the central
concepts for both technologies.



Some of the things AOP can help on Spring, are transaction and logging.

I'd add auditing. You mentioned that it's for a banking application.
Assuming you wanted to track all the user actions, you could do this
by exploiting AOP.

Well, you see "PLan_f f= new Plan_f()", the new operator is working with a concrete class Plan_f. What if you need to use Plan_f1 (maybe a subclass of Plan_f) ? You have to open your IDE, change your code, then recompile and finnally you need to redeploy it.

Indeed and this instantiation may occur in a number of different classes, which means you have to edit a whole set of files. Using a factory pattern
will help you to develop a design that is less brittle and more flexible.
Try it.

Thanks JavaRanch for the book. I look forward to reading it.
kind regards,
16 years ago

RoR suffers from a lack of comprehensive documentation discussing
how to deploy apps in the production environment. To this end, Bruce Tate
has co-authored a book. Any such difficulties for GoG? or is it
as straight forward as deploying any J2EE app.

16 years ago
Have you had a look at acegi?
I'm currently hooking it up to a struts based application. The learning curve is steep but manageable. However it takes care of a lot of things you have
to consider when wrapping a security layer around a web app.

ps- If you do pursue the acegi approach, have a look at Spring in Action book by Craig Walls. It has a good chapter on it
[ February 20, 2008: Message edited by: mo sayed ]
16 years ago
Have a look at displaytag.
It allows a number of export formats including pdf and excel.
I've found it to be quite a robust piece of software with the added plus
of very good documentation.
17 years ago
I'm interested to find out whether it's possible to map a single class to multiple tables using Hibernate.

e.g. mapping to multiple tables such as PERSON [holds details such as name, employee id, etc] and CONTACT_DETAILS [holds info such as address, telephone number etc]

Looking through the reference hibernate documentation, I've come across the entity-name attribute, but am not sure how this fits in.

It's not possible to combine the tables into a single table and thereby exploit the 'component' feature, since this is the schema that's been dictated to us.

Thanks in advance,



Looking forward to reading your book.

Are you aware of any reliable published results related to projects adopting test-driven development methodology. Typically the sort of figures I'd be interested in are related to productivity, e.g. it took us 'Y' fewer weeks to implement, or the number of reported bugs fell to 'Z' %.

kind regards,
17 years ago

ha ha

Is that you Nelson ?
17 years ago
Actually No that's not quite right either.
Sorry what was the question again.
17 years ago
Sorry I meant to say 316
17 years ago
I took this a few years ago and I got 613.
17 years ago