Qiuming Yan

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since Jan 25, 2006
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You do not need to wait for it. There are many free stuffs in the internet. I had studied SCDJWS by using J2EE Web Service by RMH, Sun's BluePrints and SCDJWS Study Guide.

Good luck.

Q.M. Yan.
<<the queryManagerURL is the mandatory property you have to set up and used as default, the lifeCycleManagerURL is the optional. So if you don't set up the lifeCycleManagerURL, then whatever the URL set up in your queryManagerURL will be used for the lifeCycleManagerURL.>>

If a service implements both services and they need to use the same URL, so you do not need to setup lifeCycleManagerURL. In this case the question and answer is right.
I searched web and found another one SCDJWS mock exam.
Is this question and answer really wrong? In the real world, you may design a service to act as both �query manager service� and �life cycle manager�. In this case, there is only one URL.