Reema Patel

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Recent posts by Reema Patel

Hi Ranchers,
A lot has already been said about the SCWCD 5 exam. I personally believe that every serious exam aspirant doesn't settle for just one book. I'm presently referring the following books:

HFSJSP by Bryan Basham
Good: simple to read and follow.
Bad: lacks in implementations and examples.

SCWCD 5 Exam Guide by Kunal Jaggi
Good: excellent subject knowledge, friendly language.
Bad: many examples to follow but they�re short.

Hope this will help in hitting the right books!
[ July 04, 2008: Message edited by: Reema Patel ]
My real fear is that I have no prior experience with EJB 2. I've started learning EJB 3.0 with annotations. I know that Java SE 5 annotations make XML DDs optional. But, does the exam has questions only on annotations? or, it has a mix of questions showing both XML code snippet and annotations?

Ravi and Reema, could you please tell us where you got this knowledge from (experience, book)?

I'm using two books:
(1) "SCWCD Exam Guide". URL-, and

Both titles are good.

Nope. ServletContext are one per web app, per JVM. In case the web app is distributed, there'll be two separate ServletContext objects.
Hi Ranchers,
I'm preparing for the SCBCD exam (CX-310-091). I'm referring Sun Education's web site for exam specs. I can see that the exam expects us to know both annotations and XML to configure enterprise apps. For instance, one of the exam objects says:

Describe the use of annotations and XML mapping files, individually and in combination, for object-relational mapping.

Does the real exam grills on XML usage? or, it's mainly annotation based questions?


please Suggest book for SCWCD

Please search through the existing topics/threads before posting.

This link would be helpful in choosing the right book:
I've referred a few books on SCWCD. To the best of my knowledge, the only book which comes with a CD is "SCWCD Exam Guide" by Tata McGraw Hill. It's a copyright material. I don't think anybody can publically distribute it on the net.

Make sure that the foo package is in the classpath.

You must set . in the CLASSPATH environment variable.

To study for the SCWCD exam you only need one standard web container working, generally this would be Tomcat.

That's right. You'll not need anything else besides a standard Web container like Apache Tomcat.
Hi Ranchers,
I've come across another book, which according to my opinion is simply excellent for understanding servlets and JSP spec. This book also has several ready to run web applications available in a CD. The book is titled �SCWCD Exam Guide� and authored by Kunal Jaggi who is a J2EE consultant. Lookout for his posts the SCWCD forum to find links to his website.

Hope this book will spur your preparation and interest in J2EE web development.

- Reema
Hi Ranchers,
A lot has already been said about the SCWCD 5 exam. I personally believe that every serious exam aspirant doesn't settle for just one book. I'm presently referring the following books:

HFSJSP by Bryan Basham
Good: simple to read and follow.
Bad: lacks in implementations and examples.

SCWCD 5 Exam Guide by Kunal Jaggi
Good: excellent subject knowledge, friendly language.
Bad: many examples to follow but they�re short.

Hope this will help in hitting the right books!
[ June 12, 2008: Message edited by: Reema Patel ]

Originally posted by Kunal Jag:
Web Application Deployment Descriptor (DD)
The servlet specification mandates the DD file-- web.xml to be a part of every web application. But, with Java EE 5, the Web application DD is optional for simple applications containing JSP pages and static files. You can find more information on this in chapter 6 of my book.

Does that mean that the web.xml file is absolutely not required in web apps?
Hi All,
I'm using WebSphere MQ 7 on Windows XP SP 2. WebSphere MQ runs pretty well. WebSphere MQ comesw with a UI explorer called WebSphere MQ Explorer that provides a UI for Queue Managers and JMS topic objects. This tool is based on the open source Eclipse 3.3 IDE.

The problem that I'm facing is that whenever I start MQ Explorer, I get an error message saying- "JVM Terminated. Exit Code 8096". I've tried the following things to resolve this issue:
1. Installed Sun's JDK 5 and appropriately set the JAVA_HOME, PATH and CLASSPATH environment variables. This didn't helped me so I moved to step 2.

2. Installed Sun's JDK 6 and appropriately set the JAVA_HOME, PATH and CLASSPATH environment variables.

3. Tried replacing IBM's javaw.exe with Sun's javaw.exe. Again this was of no help.

4. Googled for the error. Unfortunately I didn't get any solution.

5. Searched All forums at JavaRanch. I got the following link:

Again, this didn't help me in any way.

Further, I would like to restate that the problem is not with WebSphere software as it's working fine. I can issue commands from the console.

In view of above, I'll appreciate if anybody could guide me.
Any help shall be highly appreciated.
