Originally posted by Mike Tilling:
* class documentation
public class {
* member class documentation
Best Regards
Originally posted by Mike Tilling:
can I take the essay exam the same day when I submit the submission package?
Best Regards
Originally posted by Mike Tilling:
We do have the same spec.
English is my second foreign language, does "left out entirely, in which case the network client and gui must run." mean that server is the default mode?
Best Regards
Originally posted by Oricio Ocle:
Originally posted by Mike Tilling:
I understand that the default mode according to my exam spec is the server mode. am I wrong?
Originally posted by Oricio Ocle:
The same behaviour could be extrapolated to every system property, and changing their values via the GUI is without doubts out of the scope of this application.
Originally posted by josine wilms:
Does this mean that:
There are two types of search functionality needed in the GUI:
1. Exact name matching for name and/or location.
(for example: dropdown box with search button)
2. Fuzzy searching on any cell value
(for example: text field for free format text with search button)
Originally posted by Mike Tilling:
In the standalone mode, the client does not get the Data object from the RMI registry, it gets it locally (from the same virtual machine),
Originally posted by Kevin Mc Cusker:
Point 1.
Point 2.
I am using RMI. the remote object is RemoteDBImp which has a reference to Data.java, as i mentioned earlier. Here is where i am a little confused though.