Manu Dhanda

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since Jan 28, 2006
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I am looking for the details to configure Apache Web Server and Tomcat,

If anyone could help me to locate the updated configuration steps or guide me further.

17 years ago
Hii Bimal,

Can you please provide me the Apache-tomcat configuration steps or the pointer to the document with the latest updates. I want to use the same config as you have, i.e.

Apache with LDAP,
then Apache-tomcat communication.

Will appreciate your response.

17 years ago
Hii All,

I want to select an option among the few by VALUE.

For Example-

Now suppose I have the value "2" with me and now I want to select the option by this value.

How can I do that??
Help me out, am trying to work out this problem with my code here, but couldn't get through it yet.

But as Varun said,

but if I do this, you sure, other requests to port 80 like apache will be fine. like php, cgi ??

So, the other option I could see is to use the connecters like mod_jk utilizing the functionality of Apache as well. :thumb:
18 years ago
Hii All,

I just want to know that..

If tomcat itself provide the thread safe environment by default??


[ December 04, 2006: Message edited by: Manu Dhanda ]
[ December 04, 2006: Message edited by: Bear Bibeault ]
18 years ago
Well, I think you din't get my problem exactly.

Even if I use the package mypack in the above written code, it 'll compile. But for that I have to remove 4 lines of code from the main() method as written below.
Now, the below written code is working fine.

So, the problem creating line is
MyClass2 sp= new MyClass2();

Exactly am making a mistake while am creating the object of MyClass2.
and the error is also at this same line.

So, I should say I understand how to compile 'n run the code with packages, but there is something am missing while am creating this object of MyClass2.

18 years ago

I have this problem with packages. In the below written code, when I run it without declaring package statement(the very first line in my both .java files), It compiles and executes fine. but when I declare them in the package, it gives me problem in "".. compilation error.. says that
"cannot find symbol" on the line
"MyClass2 sp = new MyClass2()"

Code is :

Can anyone explain why it is so??

18 years ago
There is nothing wrong with this program.

It will print:


You must be making some mistake in calling it.
Thanks Bear Bibeault..

I got it where I was making the mistake.

Changing "thisdate" to "request.getParameter("thisdate")" resolved my problem.

The document 'n then your following words helped me to find out like where I was making the mistake.

That's because, as I already explained, the line containing the select element declaration is meaningless to your JSP code. It might just as well have been "asjdhsdajhgdjagfjsgdafjdhgfjdshgfjdsfaj" as far as your JSP code is concered. It's just template text.

18 years ago
ok, Now this is my entire JSP file.

Everything is working fine in this JSP file.
It started me giving problem when I inserted the following in my <OPTION> tag.

Earlier. I mean to say "The very first line of my code".. It was respective term to this post only, not to my entire JSP file.

18 years ago
Hi Ben,

This is the code I am using in my JSP SELECT OPTION.

Here, "thisdate" is the name of the SELECT element on the form. I am not using it anywhere else on my JSP page.
And while I 'll access my page, it gives me this error "thisdate cannot be resolved"
I don't have the access right now, I 'll drop the code again as soon as I 'll reach to office.

18 years ago
In my code, the very first line says it as :

18 years ago

I am trying to display the selected value after submitting my page.
Here I am using the below code:

But, in the above written code, "thisdate" inside the option tag is giving me error. "thisdate cannot be resolved"

I couldn't see any mistakes in my code.

Am I missing something?? Please help me out..

18 years ago
Hello Everybody

I need the step by step information for the configuration of Struts version(1.2.9) at Apache Tomcat server(version 5.5.15).

And, if someone have any idea about a working example with this configuration, plz let me know.

18 years ago