Chandrasekhar Mangipudi

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since Jan 29, 2006
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Recent posts by Chandrasekhar Mangipudi

HI.How to install APACHE ON LINUX . Can you give me step wise process .......

Thank You
13 years ago

HI All. I want good online documentation on UML. Please show me right link to work on it immediately.

Thank You for any reply .....

HI. If tomcat running is failed due to error when we start using iis server, where can i find logfile file to check for errors ? Thank You.


ChandraSekhar Mangipudi
13 years ago

Hi. I am getting this error. " wc_get_worker_for_name::jk_worker.c(116): did not find a worker worker1 "

when start running tomcat from IIS server ?

Thank You for Replies.
13 years ago

HI. Please provide some information on how to run Tomcat from IIS and also give instruction on how to configure if is necessary ?

Thank You

ChandraSekhar Mangipudi.
13 years ago

Hello. Thanks. I got that redbook.
15 years ago

Hello. Where can i get free docs to learn mq series? should i have some knowledge on Websphere before learning mq series.
15 years ago

Hello. I need Documentation how to create MQ in WebLogic.?Thanks
15 years ago
Hello.These are the steps you need to follow to create jms server, bridge and another Jms server.

connection factory
JMS server
Distributed Destination for Queues
Brdiges destination
15 years ago

Hello. Please answer my question

Error in JMS configuration

15 years ago

What is the configuration you tried and what did you configure ? Queues, topics etc is what I mean

Hello. Its for Queue. I have created two servers named lpdomain and exdomain. Exdomain contains one managed server and another one is Independent.

I have followed these steps for for two servers :

connection factory
JMS server
Distributed Queues
Brdiges destination

After that , i have seen bridge tab from services > ms1 server.

Its showing com.ecs.ex1.bridge.request Inactive WARN: failed to connect to the source.

15 years ago

Hello. I have configured JMs.But Managed Server ms1 is showing following message.......

com.ecs.ex1.bridge.request Inactive WARN: failed to connect to the source.

Thanks for responses...
15 years ago

Hello. Can you give me a link for downloading ubuntu Linux? Can you share any pdf for it.Thanks
15 years ago

Hello. I need quick admin course training in Hyderabad. if anybody knows training centers, Please help me.
15 years ago

Hello. Is it sufficient reading Head First EJB to pass the scbcd exam where i have 2-3 months time and One more thing, i am scjp1.4.
Can i write scbcd5.0 exam?