p.b. kajikar

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since Jan 30, 2006
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Recent posts by p.b. kajikar

The MarshallHo website is very disappointing - it is devaluing what the rest of us are working towards.
Congratulations - great score!

P.B. Kajikar

Sun Certified Programmer for Java 2 Plataform
Sun Certified Web Component Developer for J2EE Plataform
Sun Certified Developer for Java Web Services
Sun Certified Business Component Developer for J2EE Plataform
Sun Certified Enterprise Architect for J2EE Plataform

p.b kajikar

Sun Certified Programmer for Java 2 Plataform
Sun Certified Web Component Developer for J2EE Plataform
Sun Certified Developer for Java Web Services
Sun Certified Business Component Developer for J2EE Plataform
Sun Certified Enterprise Architect for J2EE Plataform

The deliverables section says 'Create either a sequence diagram or collaboration diagram for each use case provided'.

The USe case diagram includes 'Log in', 'View Frew Flyer Miles' and 'Create Profile' but no Use Case Pecisfication is provided.

Does this mean that i do not need to provide Sequence diagrams for these?
you buy them. They are cheap.
I studied for 8-10 weeks.

You can do it quickly if you revise by doing lots of questions as well as reading the books.
I passed part 1 of the certification process with 87%.

My thoughts are:

1) I found the Legacy connectivity the toughest part in the exam.
You have to refer to lot of scenarios.
2) The questions on internalization were deceptively tricky
3) For design patterns, its worth going through lots of questions, especially about the design of EJBs. Also you must have thorough knowledge on the intent, applicability sections of all the GOF design patterns.
4) For security, don't just concentrate on applets but look at other concepts like authentication, authorization etc.
5) For RMI-IIOP, the following link gives you a good understanding:
6)I had more than one question about transaction attributes in EJB and a questions on the ejb activation/passivation lifecycle
7) Do you know how transactions can be propogated across multiple beans and multiple bean methods. You need to!
9) Regarding load balancing, the following link may be useful:
13) Some questions are tricky.
For example, you may have to select a protocol for a given scenario.
The keywords that you get from the question is "syncronous calls in a legacy system". The options to select will be "HTTP", "JMS", "IIOP", "HTTPS". You may have to select IIOP since IIOP and JRMP are synchronous in nature. JMS is asynchronous model.

I practiced with a lot of questions in my final week. My main revision questions came from http://www.prepare4success.co.uk and http://www.whizlabs.com