alan wamser

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since Jan 30, 2006
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Recent posts by alan wamser

Here, take a look at this...

14 years ago
Can someone point me to some design patterns for creating large HTML/JSF forms. I'm going to be taking some of our current paper forms and creating web forms for them. Some of these from are 5 pages long. That's one huge database table and form to create.

14 years ago
I'm in the process of looking for a new Java workflow server. Any recommendations for a starting place?

Our current environment has reached it's end of life and the company has stopped development.
14 years ago
Can you provide more details, like the name of the war file and the command you are using to deploy to oas?
18 years ago
I think if I was going to learn from scratch that I would look at JSF before Spring or Struts.
18 years ago
It should look like this...

<logic:iterate id="row" name="myList">
18 years ago
Or is the project list part of the form bean? Then...

<display:table name="reqeustScope.projectListForm.projects" ...>
18 years ago
Are you writing the list back to the request, request.setAttribute("projects" projects);
18 years ago
I'm starting to integrate Spring into one of my Struts applications. I'm using the Spring/Struts Plugin and used ActionSupport to extend my Struts action class. I wire the Service Bean in the application context xml file. From the struts action class i use the getWebApplicaitonContext() to get the bean. My problem is that in the Service Bean I need to get a DAO bean. Right now I'm just creating a new ApplicationContext to get the DAO bean. Is there a better way to do this then have to create a new ApplicaitonContext each time?

I just started with Spring, so be nice!

If you click on page 2 and 3 and everything displays ok. What happens is you go back to page one after you've clicked on 2 or 3?
The bean:write you have listed it looking for a java bean called myUser, and is going to call the mething getlastname().
18 years ago
If you are planning on using struts then take a look at org.apache.struts.upload.FormFile.

There are lot's of examples if you search Google for "Stuts File Upload".
18 years ago
It's not saved to disk automatically, that's something that you'll have to do. Once you have the file you can write it to disk or even to a database. I've used the FormFile to upload a file from a form then used Hibernate to write the file to an Oracle database.

Look at the api, you'll see that FormFile has a method getInputStream...
18 years ago
You could cache the objects in the session. You could also take a look at the Singleton design pattern.

If you could provide more details...
18 years ago