Kumar Sushil

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since Jan 31, 2006
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Recent posts by Kumar Sushil

Hello all,

I am doing following activity in my applicatin -
1. Fetch object using getHibernateTemplate().get(String entityName, Object obj).
2. If in step #1, object is present in database, then call getHibernateTemplate().delete(String entityName, Object id).
3. Fetch object using getHibernateTemplate().get(String entityName, Object obj), so it will give null.
4. Populate object with same property having by object in step #1.
5. Call getHibernateTemplate().saveOrUpdate(String entityName, Object obj). passed object was populated in step #4.

On executing step #5, I am getting exception- a different object with the same identifier value was already associated with the session

Please note that all steps from #1 to #5 are part of single transaction.
Could you please advice me to handle this exception.

Thanks in advance.
I am trying to read an excel sheet (.xls) using Apache POI. This excel sheet is filter enabled. I am trying to read only filtered row using Apache POI but not able. Can you please confirm that Apache POI supports filter or not at the time of reading the file.


I am trying to build a web application using Ant in eclipse. There are two third party jars(of same vendor) in application having a class with same absolute name(means with package) although methods in the classes are different. When I compile or build code using eclipse its compiled fine because I can control the order of jar files in .classpath file. But when try to compile using buildscript in eclipse or outside eclipse, unable to control the order of jar files and pick the wrong jar file first and result is compilation fail.

Have any idea how to control order of jar files when compile the code using Ant.

Thanks in advance.
15 years ago
I have purchased an exam voucher for SCDJWS. My confusion is, there is nothing about exam code on the voucher. When I gave SCJP exam, at that time I found on voucher that "This voucher is for all exam start with 310". How can I know I have a right voucher?

When I try outside arg0 <bean:write> tag, it is working fine. I think in <bean:message> with args some problem. We can pass only hard code value or we required with run time expression. With JSTL also. nothing happend
16 years ago
Thanks for reply.
Actually I want use <bean:message> and as you are aware that for using <html:message> we required to write code in action classes also, that is not with <bean:message>.
16 years ago
Can any body help me on this?
16 years ago
Hi All,

I am using <bean:message> tag, but it is not accepting any dynamic value for arg.

<bean:message bundle="product.loader" key="gfasload.already1" arg0="<bean:write name ='loadInvestmentForm' property='code'> </bean:write>"/>

If i write out side <bean:write name ='loadInvestmentForm' property='code'> </bean:write> the its giving me value, but inside <bean:message/> not giving.

thanks in advance.
16 years ago
I found this Q. in mock Exam

interface TestA {
String toString();

public class Test implements TestA{
public static void main(String[] args){

If, we implement an interface, this is necessary that we implement methods of that interface. But here this not happening. Is this due to toString() method of Object class?
I found this Q. in mock Exam

interface TestA {
String toString();

public class Test implements TestA{
public static void main(String[] args){

If, we implement an interface, this is necessary that we implement methods of that interface. But here this not happening. Is this due to toString() method of Object class?
17 years ago
public class Test33 {

public static void main(String args[]) {

public static int method() {
try {
return 3;

} catch (Exception e) {
// throw new Exception();

} finally {


When, method has return type as well as try block, this is necessary that you define a catch block or finally block with reurn statement or last statement of method should be return statement. Duo to this, compiler ensure about return.
Are you able to compile this? Because it is giving compile time error.
Any way, the reason of your answer is, instead of printing items of ArrayList, you are printing ArrayList it self.
for(Object o:y){

you should write

for(Object o:y){
Is this possible to face codespell problem(like "Public" instead of "public") in Exam? Because I have faced this problem in many mock Exams.
Is this possible to face codespell problem(like "Public" instead of "public") in Exam? Because I have faced this problem in many mock Exams.