Hari prakash

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since Feb 02, 2006
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Recent posts by Hari prakash

Hi Guys, its been over three years since I have been in our forum. I am a udb dba. ( 704 certified). I would like to upgrade my knowledge to v9.5 within a month. Can any one plese help me providing with the soft copy of v9.5 dba book./ Materials.

Java Ranch..! keep up the good work.. a wonderful place to read and share

Hi Nick,

Thanks for your link. I was totally held up with many issues and not able to reply. Infact after so many months only today Iam logging to JAVA RANCH.

Guys.. nice to see you all.. keep posting ..!

Hi guys,

I was held up with regular work and hence not able to ping you ppl. now its right time for me to give 704.. can any one of you please provide me your valuable suggestions and sample papers.

Hii Boris Minkin

Thats really great..!!! how come you are able to do this.. give us the tips so that we all can follow your path to success ..:-)

Hi Mallika,

Thats great!!! congrates..! keep up the good work.. all the best :-)

Hi Sree,

Sorry for the very late reply, I was totally held up with work :-(

Regarding the training for db2 701 exam. i dont think anybody gives as like for oracle OCP. you can download the db2 enterprise edition ( free download) and have some hands on while preparing for this exam.

Even you may have cleared this exam long before.. I am not sure. but, hope my reply helps or gives an idea.

Hey Prashanth,

Congrates!!! Man :-)

Good Work!

Hi Francivalb and friends,

Its high time I need to complete 704 exam. I want some guidance. I have the book snowman.. its good but I really need some expert advise on this. I know you guys are masters in these. Hence please advise me regarding this exam. I have plans to give this exam by mid of October.

If you guys have any sort of docs regarding this exam and quetion papers, please pass it on to me.

Hi all,

Do any of you guys have any material for exam 704.. Iam planning to give the exam within a month. your advise on this exam preparation will be much helpful to me.

Thanks & regards,
Hi sree,

the rogers book is more than enough for this exam. This exam is simple and roger's book is the best.if you want to have practice you can take a assessment test by paying $10.

Hi sree,

The db2 DBA has much better scope in terms of job and the salary. compared to oracle dba or sql dba.. db2 udb has more weightage. since the udb databases are n times larger than that of oracle dbs or sql dbs, the salary is obviously more for db2 dba and ofcourse the work..!

and as you know db2 dbas has more onsite oppurtunities than other dbas.. and other developers... so its great..!

Hi Vetsa,

I was referring to the six tutorials from the IBM site. I will help you.. It has some topics which are covered in detail than in Rogers... So, just have a glance on those too before attending this exam.


I the study materials roger's and the Materials from site will do for this exam 701. but the questions will come from crook and corner of each topic and it will be twisted. Hence take up assessment exams and then go for the exam. All the best..!

with regards
Hi guys, Can any of you give your ideas and suggestions for exam 704. it will be much useful for me.. Iam planning it to take it up shortly may be by EOM. Please advise.!

Hari K
Congrates Salman..!

Great Job..!

Hari K