This week's book giveaway is in the Java in General forum.
We're giving away four copies of Helidon Revealed: A Practical Guide to Oracle’s Microservices Framework and have Michael Redlich on-line!
See this thread for details.

Shraddha Jain

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since Feb 02, 2006
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Recent posts by Shraddha Jain

To paraphrase myself, what if your only tool is the hammer?
18 years ago
There is this HUGE csv file. i wanna know how many comma separated values it has. this file is huge ,many many giga bytes huge, and memory is dear, so reading all the values into a collection isnt an option at all..
any thoughts on this one?
18 years ago
i have read about this, lets take up the reference counting algorithm , how can i keep a count of references?
i'm trying to implement this garbage collector using the reference counting algorithm
18 years ago
If u were to implement a Garabage collector, how wud u do it? simply put how would know when an object has no references to it?
18 years ago
i want to protect some resources on my web page using basic
i have defined groups in the file \etc\group

defined usrs and passwords in \usr\local\apache\passwd\passwords file
in the httpd conf file i have specifie dthe follwing directive for each
of the directories i want to protect
<Directory "/home/confidential>
AuthName "confidential"
Authtype Basic
AuthUserFile \usr\local\apache\passwd\passwords
AuthGroupFile \etc\group
require group admin
the group file looks like this

admin: x:998:abc,xyz

after restarting the server, when i try to acess this file , i get the
dialog box challenging for the user name password, but i cannot login
as abc or xyz who are authorised to recieve the document.

where am i going wrong?
18 years ago
oops! oh yes!! missed that out totally!! i was completely off the mark then!
18 years ago
how are u generating the popup? what action have you specified for the submit button? you say the page goes back to the report home page when you click button, so the target page of your request becomes the home page.
request scope is definitely sufficient for passing data between two jsps, in your case make sure the right jsps are participating in the information exchange.
18 years ago
sendRedirect() is an instruction to the browser while forward() happens at server side, transparent to the browser.
18 years ago
puttinng anything between <% %> goes into your service method, right? here we want to write a method and probably call it from within the service method. so calling the method should happen within <% %>

<%! yourmethod(){

<% yourmethod();%>
18 years ago
<%! your method(){
thats it! write this method like you would write one for a java class.
Conditions Apply
[ March 05, 2006: Message edited by: Shraddha Jain ]
18 years ago
as far as i know page by itself has no meaning in JSP, its used as
<%@page attribute1="value1",attribute2="value2"... %>
which says this is a page directive: value1 for attribute1 and value2 for attribute2 holds good only for this page!
pageContext on the other hand is an object of class PageContext and it acts as a container for variables defined in a page and the life of these variables is equal to teh life of the jsp page they are defined in.
hope this helps.
18 years ago
nope that isnt the problem at all 'cos i have 2 other tag files with the same directive and they working just fine!!! no problemo!
and wait i did test this screen.tag with lt%= "Hi"!! %gt and the page did say Hi!! back!
besides as far as i know, "scriptless" attribute is to say that the body of the tag does not have any scripts right??? , i havent put no scripts in the tags body!

tried removing the "...scriptless" attribute but thats doing nothing good for me.
18 years ago
i'm deploying my web application on tomcat and use JSP tags in the jsp files.
i have a screen.tag:
<%@ tag body-content="scriptless" %>
<%@ tag import="javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext" %>
<%@ tag import="file1" %>
<%@ tag import="file2" %>
<%@ tag import="file3" %>

//some declarations go here

and when i run my application i get a jasper exception telling me '<%!' and '%>' is an invalid character constant!
i cannot agree with this guy!! what am i doing to render it invalid?
18 years ago
oh yes! tried this now. but i see there's a method sort(list l ,Comparator c) can i specify how i want sort() to compare objects in the arraylist? using this method?
18 years ago