Purna Chandra Rao

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since Feb 06, 2006
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Recent posts by Purna Chandra Rao

Hi Ranchers,
I am currently associated with one of the Top ranked Indian Company since 2.2 years.My technological fortes are Java and J2ee (JSP, Servlets, EJB, WebServices, JSF, JPA and Hibernate) and SQL.

I am a Sun Cetified Java Programmer for java 1.4 (100%) and sun certified web component developer for j2ee 1.4(85%).

If anybodys requirement matches my profile i would like to forward the details.

Thanks and Regards,
Purna Chandra Rao CH
17 years ago
Hi ranchers,
I have made classes and used ant script to generate the wsdl file for the webservice.
I have toplevel class which has five simple types and a class which contains an array of complex types.

My requirement is that if the array of complex types is null it is being dispayed as follows :
<!--Some atttributes-->
<java:classwithArrayOfComplexTypes />

My client wants <java:classwithArrayOfComplexTypes /> to be displayes as
or remove the whole tag. How is that possible..
I have tried putting minOccurs = "0" and nillable="false" for <xs:element > of classwithArrayOfComplexTypes in the WSDL file but i am getting the same output.Please help me out in this regard...
Thanks in advance

17 years ago
Hi ranchers,

I have a web page(jsp) page which has a button save.When the user clicks save i should save the rendered HTML to a blob in the database.In all the file uploads i have done so far user will be providing the page on his local machine to upload.But here i have to save the current rendered page he is in.Please help me out.Any suggestions are welcome.Thanks in advance..

Thanks and Regards,
Purna Chandra Rao CH.
[ March 27, 2007: Message edited by: Purna Chandra Rao ]
17 years ago
Hi all,
I have a procedure in Db2.How to execute that procedure using hibernate?

Thanks and regards,
Purna Chandra Rao
Hi guys,

I am planning to take SCBCD exam.I have no experience in EJB at all.Please help me with the book to buy and other good ebooks to start with.

Thanks and Regards,
Purna Chandra Rao
scjp 1.4 ,scwcd
Hi ranchers,
I have cleared scwcd with 85% though i expected a score of 90 +.Anyway a pass is a pass!!I got 49 complete correct answers in HFSJ mock exam.I did some free mock exams in the net.i did not use any simulators..It took me 2 months for preparing.Javaranch forums helped me a lot..

meet you all in SCBCD forum

Thanks and Regards,
Purna Chandra Rao.
SCJP 1.4 (100%) , SCWCD 1.4(85%)
Hi Ranchers,

I'm really surprised to see that i am one of the winners of the book promotion.I thank javaranch and Marcus Green for the book promotion.

Thanks and Regards,
Purna Chandra Rao
[ February 25, 2007: Message edited by: Purna Chandra Rao ]
Hi Ranchers,

In many of the mock exams i have found that its difficult for me figure out the options regarding session migration.
I will list down the points i know ..please tell me whether that is enough for the exam or i will have to prepare that topic more..or please add the points if i have missed out

1)We can make a web application distributed across multiple JVMs by configuring it in the DD as <distributable>true</distributable>
2)There will be one servletcontext per JVM,one servletconfig per servlet per JVM but there is only one session which is migrated from one JVM to other.
3)If the session attribute implements serializable then they are guarenteed to be transferred from one JVM to other,otherwise we need to do them explicitly by using HttpSessionActivationListener.

In one of the mock exams i have found something called default servletcontext..please help me what is it.

Thanks and Regards,
Purna Chandra Rao
Hi ranchers,
I am from India.Please help me with the link to buy Whizlabs simulator,any discount offers and all..

Thanks and Regards,
Thanks Ali.
But how can the first two be translation errors?can you please expalin because i thought they should be compile time errors.Will the availability of default constructor and existance of a property for a bean checked at translation time itself??

Thanks and regards,
Purna Chandra Rao
Thanks mark.This solves the issue
Hi Ranchers,
Please help me with the following questions:
1) What happens If we try to use a bean that does not have a default constructor?Is it Compile time error or run time error?
2)What happens if we try to set or get a property using <jsp:setProperty> and <jsp:getProperty> and that property does not exist.Is it Compile time error or run time error?
3)Assume that MyClass is a valid bean with a property called name and valid setter and getter methods.

<jsp:useBean id="myBean" class="MyClass"/>
<jsp:useBean id="myBean" class="MyAnotherClass"/> //1
<%=myBean.getName()%> //2

It was given in a mock exam that line 1 results in a translation error and the line 2 results in a compile time error.Is that correct?if correct please explain me because as far as i know usebean standard action is used to creates an object of the specified class with the name specified in the id if that bean does not exist.In the above code the first useBean action is used in the block which means it is accessed only in that block and thereby line2 gives a compile time error as myBean is not available outsied the block.In that case why does line 1 gives translation error as we are free to declare myBean again as it is in outide of the block.Please correct me..I am confused.



<%@ page language="java" import="com.mypackage.MyBean" %>
<jsp:useBean id="myBean" class="MyBean"/>
<jsp:setProperty name="myBean" property="myProperty" value="<%=request.getParameter("sentProperty")%>"/>
<jsp:getProperty name="myBean" property="myProperty"/>

Package com.mypackage;

Public class MyBean
private String myProperty;

public MyBean()

public MyBean(String myProperty)
this.myProperty= myProperty;}

public void setMyProperty(String myProperty)
this. MyProperty= myProperty;

public String getMyProperty()
return myProperty;

Which of the following is the result produced when MyUseBean.jsp is accessed with the URL
(With out any value provided to sentProperty)
Hi Jyoti,
It is given in a mock exam that the first one was correct and the second one was wrong.Is the answer in the mock exam wrong or our perception is wrong?
Hi guys,
Can anyone help me regarding the mandatory and non mandatory elements under <security-constraint> element and the corresponding consequences.I am confused.

can we have login-config element of this sort?



Thanks in advance
Purna Chandra Rao
Hi Jyothi,
Only Request Attributes and Local variables in service method are thread safe.
Request attributes are thread safe because each request will run in a separate thread and there is no chance for other threads to access the attributes of that request.

Instance variables and static variables of the servlet are not thread safe , there will be only one instance of the servlet shared by multiple threads.Every thread has acess to the instance and static variables of the servlet and hence not thread safe.

Thanks and Regards,
Purna Chandra Rao.
SCJP 1.4
[ January 21, 2007: Message edited by: Purna Chandra Rao ]