Sai Surya

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since Feb 08, 2006
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I spoke to one of my colleague who recently been rejected by an ecommerce giant due to lack of data structures and algorithms knowledge. He is pretty good developer with solid understanding of Java and related technologies. His side of the story was that, he forgot majority of the data structures and algorithms part where we need to implement these. Instead, his several years of experience is mainly focused on using the API provided by Java.

Especially for people who either came from non-computer science background or learned programming by themselves, this is definitely a problem

What do you think of a developer's having knowledgeable on data structures and algorithms and to what extent?

9 years ago

Bear Bibeault wrote:This is the most senseless worry I have seem posted in these forums.

Senseless? That hurts

What if Google starts charging money to use its search service? To be precise, having too much dependency on day to day job on Google worries me. Moreover, this question came up in recent few technical interviews I had closely watched (while my colleague taking interview, I was in the panel ...)

Anyways, thanks for the comments.
9 years ago
Dear all,

I'm software developer, recently I noticed that I'm depending on Google too much, and thought of working for few days without using Google. To my surprise it was extremely difficult to progress in work without Google. This really worrying me and I'm not sure whether it is correct for career and for work.

What do you think on using Google during work and how much extent is acceptable. Kindly share your views.

Thanks & Regards,
9 years ago
Is this position open for outsiders?
10 years ago
Rental in Singapore is very high (around 2.5k for 2BHK). Not sure about your family situation etc, but 5k seems to be low to me. If you are a bachelor and willing to rent a common room, then it may be a good starting point.
10 years ago
Hi Randy,

Are you considering foreigners who need work permit for this position?

Thanks & Regards,
10 years ago
You probably have to ask your company A (who sponsors your H1B) whether you can work for them in the meantime? Hiring is a painful process from employee side as well as employer side. There is too much cost involved. So, instead of joining B and resigning later, why don't you ask A whether these six months you can work for them? I do not recommend keeping company B in dark, since they spend money on you and resigning in short period is not ethical.
10 years ago
Thank you all for the valuable comments. Another twist in the story is, company X manager called me and requested me to provide my github password so they can commit/checkout from my account and 'pretend' that I am still working for them. I'm really surprised that, to what extent they can go to put their valuable client in dark. No way I give my credentials to them. Once again, thank you all.
10 years ago
Thanks Chan.

I have email confirmation from company X that I was released from duties with last date of work. I do not have paper per say, but an email. Does it valid?

Thanks & Regards,
11 years ago
Hi Manish,

Yes. The same manager/HR only released me. Now, the very same people asking me to resume work with client. Because for the sake of billing, they have not told client that I quit. Client is thinking I'm still available to work.

Thanks & Regards,
11 years ago
Dear all,

I joined company X in India, and just after couple of weeks, due to their client's acquisition this company told everyone of us in the team to look for jobs. Though notice period is 2 months, I requested them to release me earlier which they did. I have email confirmation from HR that, I was released from duties with date.

In the meantime, I got offer from another company and I joined. Yesterday, manager and HR from company X called me and forcing me to attend client calls, and do tasks assigned by client. It is obvious that they have not informed client that I quit. For the sake of billing, they are forcing me to work until March-14 end (their contract with client is until end of March only).

I honestly told them that, since I have not heard from them for 3 weeks, I joined another company so I cannot work for their client even part time. Also, my present company agreement states that, I should not engage in any other work etc.

Now, I am scared that this company X may cause trouble to me legally? What could happen, I lost so much money by relocating to their location and I didn't get salary for the 2 weeks I worked for them.

Any suggestions?
11 years ago
Hi Mike,

Is this requirement is for Canada or US? If it is for US, are you accepting potential applications for H1B sponsorship?

11 years ago
Hi Aneesh,

Did you see this one?

I applied and had HR discussion, but I am not proceeding due to some circumstances. Try your luck.

11 years ago
Hi Marten,

Please check your PM (private message / purple mooseage) I sent to you.

Thanks & Regards,
11 years ago
The questions you should ask yourself is: "what is my passion?" and go for it. And I suggest not to ask others about your life decisions, you should have a clarity for yourself. Don't get me wrong

Good luck!
11 years ago