Thanigai Venkatesan

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since Feb 08, 2006
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I am also Planning to take the SCJP exam around March End, and I am going to start preparing for the exam starting next week.

Please refer to the JavaRanch policy regarding posting exam questions.

The below Book I have been suggested from JavaRanch members.

Sun Certified Programmer for Java 5 Study Guide (Exam 310-055) by Katherine Sierra, Bert Bates.

Hope this helps. All the Best for your exam preparation.
Thank You very much for your response Tim. I just placed an order at Amazon for this book SCJP Sun Certified Programmer for Java 5 Study Guide (Exam 310-055) by Katherine Sierra, Bert Bates.

Wishing You Good Luck and All the Best for your Certification Exam.

I am in the Java Field for over 6 years and keep on thinking to take the certification exam but somehow couldn't do it. Atlast I starting my certification path today. The messages posted in the JavaRanch motivated me to start today. Thanks to JavaRanch

This is my plan for this year: Start with Programmer, then proceed to Web Component Developer, then Business Component Developer, then Architect.

Any tips or suggestion will be very much helpful to achieve this goal.

Please let me know what book I should buy for Programmer (for Java 1.5).

Congratulation Deepak. Today I am planning to start my certification path. I have been in the Java field for over 6 years, but starting now only towards the certification path.
18 years ago