Where do you live Vishal? There are some beers that are very sour (especially some Belgian and French beers) but sour is not how I would describe most beers...at least not in the US. Bitter is a term that applies more often, but it is not necessarily a bad thing. Beer is an incredibly complex drink with a wide range of styles and flavors (sweet, malty, roasty, sour, bitter, fruity, etc.)
Not meaning to start a war, but the US is the best place in the world these days for a beer geek...errr...beer conisure, and this might be the best time as well! American craft breweries make incredible and unique American style beers and styles from around the world plus you can get beers from all over the world imported here. Tomorrow I am heading to a weekend event focused around home brewed beer (with lots of commercial beer and good food mixed in).
It is good to be a beer geek!
- Brent