Asha Pathik

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since Feb 08, 2006
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Recent posts by Asha Pathik


I'm trying to create clients using eclipse from a wsdl file and it is giving me following error:

When I checked the wsdl it does have some duplicate names but then it is working fine in current application setup. Any pointers to generate stubs without errors would be really helpful.

14 years ago
Hi Jigar,

After your post I did some Googling on flyWeight pattern and following are some main points that I think we must keep in mind while using Flyweight pattern in our application:

1) Flyweight is used when we want to avoid creating multiple objects of the same kind and share existing instances. These objects are shared based on the intrinsic state + extrinsic state. I believe this part is clear to you.

2) We can have a set of flyweights which we don't want to share. Now lets discuss this part. We need to remember the following points for the unshared flyweights:
a) This is an optional part of the flyweight. We need not have in all the flyweight pattern implementations.
b) Understand when we use it. For example:- if we want to design an application where we have shopping cart collection object containing different products we can use Flyweight pattern. Now for each product we have an intrinsic state like the name, description, feature set etc. and extrinsic state like the number of this product present in shopping cart. Here we can easily use shared flyweight for all the different product objects. But we can have some products like assembled computer which cannot be same for all customers who plans to buy it. For this type of products we might wish to create a new object whenever any customer adds it in their basket.

Hope this helps,
Hi ....

I'm new to web service and in my project we're using Fatwire CMS. I'm trying to invoke OOTB webservices provided by the CMS. I've written an Axis client but running the same is giving the following stack trace.

Please Help.

Thanks in advance
16 years ago
Figured out the error ....
Thanks anyways
16 years ago
Hi All,

I'm new to web services and I'm trying to extract "Java" files from a wsdl. But everytime I'm getting the following exception.

For Ref.This is the command I'm typing :


My Classpath :

I'm not able to figure what is the problem ... the file for which I'm getting the error is there in the one of the jars specified in the classpath.

Please Help.
Thanks in advance
16 years ago
Hi All,

There are four JSPs forming a chain of requests and request is forwarded from 1st-2nd-3rd-4th.

The question is: Is there any way to set some attributes in the 1st JSP which will be visible only in the last JSP not in the 2nd and the 3rd JSPs?

Please help.
16 years ago
Hi Farouk,

If you are new web application development then "Head First JSP/Servlets" is a good choice but if you want to learn just Struts then you might find "Struts - The Complete Reference" very useful.

And for more details you can go through the FAQs of struts forum.

Struts FAQs
[ April 21, 2008: Message edited by: Asha Pathik ]
16 years ago
And another suggestion please use the code tag whenever you post any piece of code or stack trace .
16 years ago
Hi Sumant,

I think this link will help you understand the minute details of "redirect" attribute of <forward> tag.

Using redirect attribute

Hope it helps.
16 years ago
My MessagesResource file is as follows:

And one more question, do we've to define anything in validation.xml file for "Dynamic validation"?
[ November 21, 2007: Message edited by: Asha Pathik ]
17 years ago
Hi All,

I've created one form and trying to use dynamic form validation but instead any messages I'm getting "<ul><li></li></ul>".

In struts-config.xml

My AddressDynaAction class is as follows:

My DynaAddress.jsp file is as follows:

Please help.

[ November 20, 2007: Message edited by: Asha Pathik ]

[ November 20, 2007: Message edited by: Asha Pathik ]
[ November 20, 2007: Message edited by: Asha Pathik ]
17 years ago
Hi all,

I'm trying to use a custom validation routine but on submit operation i'm getting following exception just a small part fot he root cause of the exception)

Code in validation.xml

I'm following theFrom example.

Please Help
[ November 15, 2007: Message edited by: Asha Pathik ]
17 years ago
Hi Bhaskar,

Again my validation is not working properly. Changes in file is displaying message like this.

Plus message in alert box is a concatination of these messages and is displayed in one single line.

Please help.
17 years ago
Thanks Bhaskar, everything is working now.
17 years ago

Can someone please copy validator-rules.xml file here? I think the problem is with my xml file because none of changes are getting saved.

[ November 13, 2007: Message edited by: Asha Pathik ]
17 years ago