Hi James, you are probably right that it is the way I am constructing the zip file but ZipEntry is a string so I can't use getPath there. I am guessing the problem might be in this part of the code so for the sake of brevity (and clarity) here is the try statement where I am getting the HttpServletRequest called request and passing it to the ListFilez class and getting back the Vector (the list of files). Since it does work for the directory I originally start the search in but not for the subdirectory is definitely does sound like I need to use the getPath or getAbsolutePath method. Thank you for all your help so far!
**Actually I just realized that the problem is with the ListFiles class. The way it is written, the Vector is returned empty if the only file it is looking for is in the subdirectory. If it is looking for 2 files, one in the parent directory and one in the subdirectory, it will only return the file in the parent directory. So I am doing something wrong with how or where I created the Vector.
[This message has been edited by Amy Hafer (edited September 10, 2001).]