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since May 29, 2000
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Recent posts by Shiny

Perfect Score - Congratulations !
You have proved again, that the perfect score can be achieved. Ignore the doubting-mortals and avoid writing to them like plague,
best wishes

[This message has been edited by Shiny (edited September 26, 2000).]
Congratulations Vivek!
enjoy the experience....
Congrats Gaurav,
all the best for your future,
I reiterate that the guys who have undergone the real exam can only do some justice. On an after thought - 1.6 minutes is a very narrow way of looking at it. On an average, a FRESH guy completes the REAL 59ner in 70 minutes. If he were to review his/her answers for 20 more minutes, he/she is left with 30 minutes. Geometric analogy ( ) indicates that even if it is a fresh candidate he will be left with atleast about 90 minutes in this beta. But if it is a certified guy (who does not have a certificate in mind), then, in all probability, he will be able provide for, atleast 1 minute per question to give his feedback. (optimistic )
I expect Sun to be clever enough to have the profiles of the candidates (whether the candidate is fresh or already a SCJP or an SCEA..) recorded for their feedback assessment.
In any case...ALL THE BEST guys,
[This message has been edited by maha anna (edited September 06, 2000).]
Wow...Congratulations !
Mental strength of a Woman has always been commendable! You have proved it again...ALL the BEST for your future.
I think Sun has made a mistake, which they may realise a little later. For this Beta Exam, they should have Opened it Free for the already/recently Certified (SCJP) people. They would have got better feedback & the questionnaire database would not have been exposed. It looks as if everyone is registering for this beta, for obtaining a certificate rather than giving any constructive feedback.
If I were a Sun Certification guy, I would give second thoughts on the feedback that I receive from the people who have never seen the earlier original exam.
I don't mean to belittle the feedback of Greenhorns or for that matter their sincere intention, but just this morning I came to know that atleast TEN have registered for this beta, from our organisation who do not know how to spell JAVA (it is free - you know ! ). So imagine the quality of feedback from them......
So guys/gals - those who will take this exam, please give some sincere & constructive feedback when you take this beta, keeping in mind that the same set of questions are going to decide the futures of many greenhorns in the offing...ALL THE BEST!
[This message has been edited by maha anna (edited September 06, 2000).]
IMO if one is pretty much through with his/her preparation, then, this is a good mock-cum-real test to take !
And remember- in developing countries, the exam fees (in local currency) are eqvt to a month's salary......If you save this money, you can buy three-four precious books on Java (EJB, JSP etc) for your future advancement. So go for it guys. All the Best!
Praveen & Muskellunge,
4 weeks with 3-4 hours a day will definitely see you through. But to get an excellent score, (say above 95% or so) you may need certain perfection for which the period may not be sufficient due to your non-software/non-programming backgrounds.
But I am sure, you will pass the exam, given the time frame.
'Brainbench' tests include RMI, JDBC, JNI, Swing & OOAD apart from the SCJP Objectives. Hence the perceived degree of difficulty as compared to the SCJP exam/s!
Congrats Sanjay,
Way to go! But if you really mean to thank this site, you should register yourself & contribute ! Because you will definitely want to visit this site in future for SCJD, SCEA, EJB etc etc. what say?
Are there any:
1. White papers on Web Application Stress Testing?
2. Free Web Application Stress Tools?
please provide the links,
24 years ago
Siva has put it rightly. To put it simply your motto in the exam should be to- 'Read the Lines carefully & Read between the Lines, but NOT BEYOND THEM!'
One can add innumerable 'what if' conditions & then the meaning of any sentence can be altered to suit one's Read between the lines but DO NOT ADD any lines !
tian Lau:
Easy questions like this will NOT appear in the real exam. I am 1000% sure !
Thanks Bill & Satya.
I got it working finally. But I think I need to provide 'xml.jar' for enhancing its functionality.
But I saw some messages between developers contributing to this 'tomcat' project that 'xml.jar' has been nullified & has been packaged as 'ant.jar'. I don't know what's the exact status now... anyway my hunt goes on.......
Yes, I followed your disco.. with rahul...till both of you slept off
24 years ago
Thanks Bill.
I could finally get it working. But for 'ant' portion, it still cribs about 'build.xml' file. This file exists but I think I need to provide 'xml.jar' from somewhere.
Please provide me the link to this 'xml.jar', if possible.
thanks again,
24 years ago