Sharadha Sankar

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since Feb 15, 2006
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Recent posts by Sharadha Sankar

<li><a href="#" X="return showPane('pane1', this)" id="tab1">Period 1</a></li>

where X = onClick
Hello all,

I am using blur() in my javascript file which works fine for IE but not for mozilla firefox. I was wondering if there is an equivalent function that would work in firefox?

Thanks in advance
What are bounded or constraint properties in Swing? Can someone please direct me to some reading material on them?

Thank you
18 years ago
Hello All,

I was wondering if someone could tell me What does JComponent.invalidate() or JComponent.revalidate() do?

Thanks in advance
18 years ago

I have bunch of xml/xsl files which I need to convert into JSP. IS there a method to do so?

Thanks in advance
18 years ago
Thanks Ulf, Will make an interesting reading. Wonder why anyone would be hung-ho about "JFC" now!

Thank you
18 years ago
Yesterday I had an interview, The interviewer asked me what does JFC include? She went further ahead to tell me that JFC doesnot mean just swing components....I was taken aback..So my question is what exactly is JFC and what are the JFC component?..I would appreciate an answer or an direction where I could search the answer.

Thanks in Advance
18 years ago
Hello All,

This is my scenario, lets assume I have the following place table
ID Name address state country.
1 X XYZ ny us
2 A ABC nj us

Now I have to create new IDs 3, 4,5 which has the same values of ID =1.
So I figured I have to select all the value of ID =1 (Select * from place where ID = 1);

and then do a insert.

My question is how do I do the insert?.

Please help

Thanks in advance
Thanks Yogendra, I just got heads first JSP and servlets book, but was psyched by the sheer size of it!..
18 years ago

I am new to JSP, basically to J2EE as such, I was wondering if someone could suggest a quick way to start.

Thanks in advance
18 years ago
But my javascript file has like 15 functions, how can run all the 15 function using onsubmit handler?

Thanks in advance

I have two questions

1. I have a form which I have to validate. I have written the validations for all the fields as separate functions in Validation.js file. Now, when I hit submit how do I ensure all the functions are invoked. and if it passes validation, to enter values into the database?

2. Is it possible to call the corresponding validation function(Which are all in the same file)for each input field from the html form .

Please help...I am desperate.

[ April 11, 2006: Message edited by: Bear Bibeault ]
Hi, I am new to JSP...My current assignment is to convert XSL/XML based GUI into JSP. I am not sure how to proceed. Please help!..any pointer would be appreciated

Thanks in advance
18 years ago
Hello Eric.

I tried

Didnt put the quotes on onload though

Yet it still takes me to blank window.

Is there something that I am doing wrong. What I am trying to do is, when a exception occurs, I am trying let the user know that there data was not saved.

Please help