Panday Manako

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since Mar 29, 2001
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Recent posts by Panday Manako

Hi Eric,
Thanks for the info. I want to delete the record from the database.
Thanks in advance.
20 years ago
Hi everyone!
1) Where can I find a simple and effective code on pagination? I'm using jsp and servlets.
2) Using JS how can I delete a table row. I want to create/delete a record. On the left side of these records are checkboxes. If the box is checked the record will be deleted or a record can be added beneath it.
If anyone knows a better way of doing this pls let me know.
Thanks in advance.
20 years ago
Thanks Bill for the info.
20 years ago
Hi all,
1)Have some questions on the path to use. I'm using tomcat 5.
I have started tomcat successfully. I used the url http://localhost/index.jsp. Able to view the page successfully. The page states that the path is in ROOT/index.jsp. I decided to delete the index.jsp in this path. But still I was able to access this page. Why is this? I looked into the server.xml and web.xml files but I still couldn't figure it out. Can anyone explain to me in detail on how to create a folder and be able to access it in the browser and also what files to modify. Are there any differences among jsps,htmls,servlets. I've been searching but I only get bits of information. And also what's the purpose of the WEB-INF folder? Each folder under webapps has this directory.
2) Is there a restart command in tomcat5? Tired of clicking shutdown and startup commands.
Thanks in advance.
20 years ago
Thanks Bill,
I was able to look into the error.
20 years ago
Hi all,
Can't start Tomcat5 using windows 2000. Everytime I execute the startup.bat, command prompt window just pop out and disappears. This does not happen using Tomcat3 in windows 2000.
Can anyone point to me the url concerning the invoker. Thanks
Any help is appreciated.
20 years ago
I'm from the Philippines...part of the 'coalition of the willing'...
[ March 20, 2003: Message edited by: Panday Manako ]
21 years ago
US had the chance to show the world what democracy really is and they blew it. Yes the war will be swift and everything will be back to normal again but for just how many years? I think this war will only lead to more wars in the future. This war will just create more Saddams and Bin Ladens which ironically US supported in the past. I thought China was evil when they threaten to attack Taiwan. But come to think of it, China attacking Taiwan has legitimacy than the Iraq war. Taiwan is part of China and it's considered by China as a rebel province. So it's an internal affair. President Bush since you already attacked Iraq why don't you also attack Iran, Syria and other 'undemocratic' countries...and make them truly a 'democratic' country like US.
21 years ago
Hi everyone!
This is not java related. I'm planning to take an It Computer fundamentals exam soon. The topics are basic pc software and hardware..Does anyone know a resource on this in the net?..thanks!
Thank you JavaRanch.
22 years ago
Is it possible that even the 1.4 is out sun will still allow you to take the scjp2?
assignment: Servlets-4a(VideoServlet)
attempt: 0
[ February 09, 2002: Message edited by: jason adam ]

I never received this -- MdQ
[ February 10, 2002: Message edited by: Marilyn deQueiroz ]
23 years ago
How can you arrange words in ascending order ignoring the case?
I always get an order in which words that start with an uppercase letter are on top.
example: Z,a,b,c,E
result: E,Z,a,b,c
here's my partial code
Collections.sort( ListOfNames );
Iterator firstName = ListOfNames.iterator();
while ( firstName.hasNext() )
System.out.println( );
23 years ago
fields in interfaces are automatically static and final