Khurram Fakhar

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since May 29, 2000
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Recent posts by Khurram Fakhar

Hi Friends,
I tried to install WSphere 4.0.1 on windows 2000 .
It took my Network userID and password for the first time , and when second time i tried to re-install the server then it was not accepting the Network user id and password , so i entered local Administrator login of the system ..
21 years ago
Hi Friends,
I tried to install WSphere 4.0.1 on windows 2000 .
It took my Network userID and password for the first time , and when second time i tried to re-install the server then it was not accepting the Network user id and password , so i entered local Administrator login of the system ..
21 years ago
Hi friends,
I m new to websphere . Just need to deploy a project on websphere / Oracle from Tomcat/SQL .
I have Websphere 4.0.1. Oracle 8i. I intall it and configured it . but when there are some problems going on in basic initialization.
1 - In Administrative Console I cant see the left navigation. (Is it some installation problem or something else ?)
2- From Samples when i hit Sample EJB then it generate an error in the log which says, Too many cursors open.
Kindly give any hint asap. and send me the URL of the configuration of WebSphere with Oracle.
I'll be highly boliged in this regard ..
21 years ago
Hi corey,
Dont assume something in exam for such questions. As You have to reply with in the domain of the question. Just look at the question , there is nothing like change in the priority of the main thread or anyother parent thread. So it is true.
Kindly dont confuse urself in the exam while assuming such things . If we start thinking like this then we will start guessing and judging in most of the questions of the exam
Hi Ppl,
I m sending emails with attachments via Java mail API , problem arises when i try to attach some object larger than 1 MB .
Is there any problem in attaching a file more than 1 MB ?
or i have to enable some propery
Plz do reply me fast

23 years ago
Hi charlie ,
I m stuck with same problem as well in one project.
I haven't tried it but i think it will gonna work and we can show almost the same GUI in jdk1.1.
For that just put divide a panel in 4 different panels and draw images on them. (Images should be of TAB-OFF format). listen to the click event.
On click just call the paint for all panels and replace the image with the TAB-ON image.
I hope u will get this.
There is something too in java Imaging as well .. for this.
do check it as well ..
Khurram Fakhar
23 years ago
Hey , check if u r using threads in ur applet..
and on closing ....... Do close all running threads ..

23 years ago
I m getting the same problem .I m working on web based module , and while checking other plateforms. it gives me error on Mac.
It worked perfect on Linux..
If anyone knows any hint regarding this matter. kindly do reply it
23 years ago
hey , where are u writing this declaration ?
i mean which part of the body ............

Hay Thanx a million Man
It worked. I studied the whole article .. very well written article .
Thanx once again ..
Khurram Fakhar
23 years ago
It works fine with
URL url1 = ClassName.class.getResource("loginpage_image.jpg");
but on the second line it gives the following error:
line :
error :
at sun.awt.SunToolkit.getImageFromHash(Compiled Code)
at sun.awt.SunToolkit.getImage(Compiled Code)
at ClientMain.images(Compiled Code)
at ClientMain.init(Compiled Code)
* at netscape.applet.DerivedAppletFrame$InitAppletEvent.dispatch(Compiled Code)
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread$EventPump.dispatchEvents(Compiled Code)
at Code)
at netscape.applet.DerivedAppletFrame$ Code)

but working fine with IE .. ..
isn't it strange ?

Khurram Fakhar
23 years ago
Hi , ppl
It is working fine in IE but it is giving error with NS..
Kindly help me out
Khurram Fakhar
23 years ago
HI fellows,
Kindly tell me what does setSendBufferSize and setReceiveBufferSize.I want to know more about it except what is written in the API.
and Kindly tell me some websites where i can get advance knowledge about socket's programming..
khurram Fakhar
Hi mateen,
could u plz refer some good java site which has enough information regarding sockets in java ?
bcoz documentation is not enough to get through this firewall stuff

khurram fakhar
Hi ppl,
I m working on a web based chat module , Everything is written and tested and working fine , it is a socket based communication between java chat server and web based clients .. ( applets)
problem is that my client cant connect to server if it is behind a proxy ?
Help needed urgent.
best regards