Bindu Puvvala

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since Feb 16, 2006
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Right now, I am learning Java and preparing for SCJP.
I am completely new to J2EE, and I request you to let me know the best order of learning the technologies like Servlets, JSP, Javascript, EJB, XML, JSF etc one by one.
18 years ago

Right now, I am learning Java and preparing for SCJP.
I am completely new to J2EE, and I request you to let me know the best order of learning the technologies like Servlets, JSP, Javascript, EJB, XML, JSF etc one by one.

Is it possible to get 90% score in SCJP 1.4 without going through Java API Documentation and Java Language Specifications?
Question : An Interface can never be private or protected.
Answer: FALSE

That means an interface CAN BE private/protected. But I got a compiler error declaring an interface which is private/protected. Are there any other occasions where an interface can be declared private/protected?
If a checked exception is thrown in the catch block, it MUST also be declared. If a checked exception is thrown inside a method, it must EITHER be caught in a try catch block OR declared. But what happens if we both declare AND catch a checked exception(thrown in a try block and caught in a matching catch block)? Does it generate a compilation error? Should the methods calling the present method declare/catch the exception thrown in the present method?
Is there a book for SCJP 1.4 by K&B??

I am about to write SCJP 1.4 on June 4th. So far I have referred to only Sybex Complete Java 2 Certification Guide . Recently I came to know about K&B book. Here are my doubts:-

1)"SCJP Sun Certified Programmer for Java 5 Study Guide" by K&B, Is this book for 1.4 or 1.5?
2) Will I be able to digest this book in 15 days? (I have already digested Sybex book.)

Please suggest.
class Test5
public static void main(String args[])
String s="First";


The output is : First

How and why is this possible if Strings are immutable?
Do you mean a factory class can be used as a base class, from which required classes can be derived?
Book says java.util.Collections is a factory class. What is a factory class at all?