Muddassar Shaikh

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since Feb 18, 2006
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Recent posts by Muddassar Shaikh

Got it to work last month but forgot to update the forum. It was a human error in using the jndi name in the mysql-* files.
15 years ago
I removed all EARs from the deploy directory and started the AS again. The tables were not created in my JMS schema. The option to create tables on startup is true in my *service.xml in jms directory.
15 years ago
Yes, I create a mysql-ds.xml file and my modified my two*service.xml files to have this

where jmsDataSource is the name of my datasource in the mysql-ds.xml file.

I've attached the stack trace with this message.

Thanks for your reply,
15 years ago
I am using Jboss 4.2.3, I replaces the hsqldb-jdbc-state-service.xml with mysql-jdbc-state-service.xml and hsqldb-jdbc2-service.xml with mysql-jdbc2-service.xml.
I changed the data source to point to the datasource created for my jms messages.

However when I try to start my server, it fails to deploy the MDBs and fails with error 'Could not find the queue destination-jndi-name' and then ''.

Am I doing it write or is there more to it than meets the eye?

15 years ago
I tried retaining the cookie in my session and then sending it back to the calling servlet. The problem still persists.
when I set the "Cookie" in HTTP header, I jst set the name=value pair of the cookie and nothing else. Is it dependant on the browser? or the server?
The cookies are getting saved in both Mozilla and Netscape. I think the problem begins when i read the cookies and set them in the connection while "POST"ing to the application.

for (int i=1; (headerName = connection.getHeaderFieldKey(i)) != null; i++)
if (headerName.equalsIgnoreCase(SET_COOKIE))
Map cookie = new HashMap();
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(connection.getHeaderField(i), COOKIE_VALUE_DELIMITER);
if (st.hasMoreTokens())
String token = st.nextToken();
String name = token.substring(0, token.indexOf(NAME_VALUE_SEPARATOR));
String value = token.substring(token.indexOf(NAME_VALUE_SEPARATOR) + 1, token.length());
cookie.put(name, value);

After retrieving the cookie I set it in the HTTP response.
Map cookie = (Map)cookieMap.get(cookieName);
httpResponse.addCookie(new Cookie(cookieName,(String)cookie.get(cookieName)));

and when i post the request in subsequent flow I set the cookies in the "Cookie" field of the header.

where get cookies in a private method which returns a semicolon seperated list of cookies.

This works fine in IE and the session is maintained.
But the session is not maintained in Netscape or Mozilla.

Any pointers to the solution or to the flaws in the logic used would be helpful.

Thank you.