Bo Yyempeti

Ranch Hand
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since Feb 22, 2006
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Recent posts by Bo Yyempeti

In no particular order:

The Vatican

Wish-list (in no particular order)
18 years ago
It is very much present and available in India as ajinomoto.
18 years ago

Originally posted by R K Singh:

then other person has to pay tax on the interest ...

Whoever said anything about paying interest ?
18 years ago
If Gift Tax is applicable, take it as a loan.
18 years ago

Originally posted by Marcus Green:

One of the things that surprises me about English is that there are not more specific terms for family relationships, thus to specify a grandparents link you must add maternal or paternal, and the term cousin covers several different possibilities.

Don't even get started about names for relations in Indian languages. There are different names for like "elder brother" (eg in Tamil, Anna) and "younger brother" (eg in Tamil, Tammi)
18 years ago

Next meta-physical/philosophical question.

The human body is a living thing.

Most people would agree that the human heart is a living thing as well.

Fewer may agree that the heart's muscle tissue is living.

What about individual cells ?

What about the DNA / nucleotides, ribosomes and other cellular material ? Is it living or non-living ?

What about the proteins that the cell synthesizes or is made up of ?

I'd love to hear opinions based on your POV, your religion's POV and science.
18 years ago
It is commonly said that the Soul (if any such thing exists) leaves the body when one dies.

When does the sould enter the body ?
18 years ago
You are a container of chemicals, all in miraculous harmony.
18 years ago

Where exactly in that quote did you find Ganpi's attitude to be negative ??
18 years ago

Would you like to try half-grown chicken embryos ? The Vietnamese love it.

How about a desert made of coagulated lamb's blood ? Its called Black Pudding.

How about Hagis ?

Get the point ? A person's food preferences are shaped by what they have grown up on.
18 years ago
Do you change his name every 60 days along with your password ?
18 years ago

Originally posted by Grishma Dube:
... or are there any crush available

8 month kid, and looking for a crush ??

Oh, you meant creche!

(Couldnt resist this. Please don't take it personally.)
18 years ago

Originally posted by Ashok Mash:
[QB]Parents emotionally blackmailing their son or daughter to marry someone that they like, irrespective of what their son or daughter want is one social evil that has overstayed its welcome by about a centaury! [QB]

Marriage as an institution has over-stayed its welcome by about a century - arranged or otherwise
18 years ago

Originally posted by satish gupta:

that would mean less than 20% jump pa.

is that so??[/QB]

Wrong there.

Your calculation above assumes that 3-3.5 years ago, a fresher earned 4LPA. (Which is unlikely)
18 years ago