Anish Nagraj

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since Feb 27, 2006
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Recent posts by Anish Nagraj

My application has got a textarea where i have got to display a text which should not be deleted or altered by the user, where as the same user should also be able to enter his own text immedietly after the non-editable text ends.
The non-editable text should be displayed in a different color where the user entering text should be in a different color.
My application has got a textarea where i have got to display a text which should not be deleted or altered by the user, where as the same user should also be able to enter his own text immedietly after the non-editable text ends.
The non-editable text should be displayed in a different color where the user entering text should be in a different color.
I have got a situation where I have got to repalce the <title> tag in html with a jsp tag where the contents of that tag should be displayed only under certain conditions.

Kindly let me know a solution for this.
18 years ago
I am able to write the contents in the textarea to the browser but I am not able to retain the line breaks.

How can I write the contents of a textarea to the browser retaining the line breaks as it is in the text area ?

Is there any attribute for <html:textarea> tag in JSP like the one in Html which is as follows :
<textarea wrap="hard">
18 years ago
public class Joining {

static Thread createThread(final int i, final Thread t1){

Thread t2 = new Thread(){
public void run(){
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {

return t2;

public static void main(String[] args) {

createThread(10, createThread(20, Thread.currentThread()));

can any body explain me the flow of this program?
What does join() actually do here?
Does the static specified for the method 'Joining' makes any change? Because I get different answers if and if not static is present
Plz help me...
public class primitives {

public static void main(String[]args) {

int x = 0;
labelA :
for(int i =10; i<0; i--){
int j=0;
if(j>i) break labelB;
continue labelA;


This program gives me output as 0
I am not able tp know the flow... plz help
what would b printed in the console when printing using System.ou.println();

char c = \u0033;

char c = 65535;

char c = 0xffff;

char c = 889;

what wil b the output of each one.
plz help me on this... bcoz what ever the first c i get '.' and if i print the other three i get '?'
Can any one help me in finding more about this..

i had a question like whether the following is poosible...

char c = \u0022;
this raises a compiler error... but i came to know this later only bcoz
when i was studying about char i was tryin something like this...

char c = \u0030;
it accepted til \u0039 without any single quotes...
what range is this actually...
something which ever i tried without '' other than this range raises an error... i whant to know if there is any another such range like this...
when i print it on the cosole it prints just '.' for all the literal from \u0030 to \u0039...
plz help me on this...
what does this statement meann
is it meaningless... how does a copiler looks at it..
plz explain...
I am really really sorry...
here is the actual culprit...

class JMM112 {
public static void main (String[] args) {
int j = 0;
for (int i = 0; i++ < 2 do
while (j++ < 2);

i am not clear with any of such lopps... which was there in all the previous examples... plz explain me this one...
sorry.... that was a differnt one... the actual one is

class JMM113 {
public static void main (String[] args) {
int i = 0, j = 0, k = 0;
do while (i++ < 3)
while (j++ < 3);

for which i get 121212...
plz explain
class JMM114 {
public static void main (String[] args) {
int i = 0, j = 0;
while (i++ < 3) do
while (j++ < 3);

i get answer as 121212
Plz explain me how the flow goes...
How does this work... Plz explain...

i get the result as 121212
no way i am able to trace the flow... plz explain me abt this ...

[ADDED Code Tags to make code readable. Mark]
[ March 03, 2006: Message edited by: Mark Spritzler ]