Bryan Aho

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since Feb 28, 2006
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Recent posts by Bryan Aho

Well it seems like the purpose of the ePractice exam is to get you thinking, so it seems like it's working!

Awesome job!

17 years ago
Awesome job!

You should be able to take the Java 5 assignment with any version of the exam.
It looks like they want you to take the Sun class.

"The Sun Certified Java CAPS exam is for candidates who have attended foundation training in the Java CAPS 5.1 product. This exam presumes the test candidate has knowledge of Java CAPS which can be achieved through attendance on the SB-CAP-0501 and SB-CAP-0502 or alternatively the SB-CAP-0500 and SB-CAP-0570 Sun courses."
I'm a SCEA, and one of the developers of the new SCEA exam, and I think you'll find the new exam much tougher than the old one. The technology is updated to the current state of J2EE design, however, so you might find that more interesting for your preparation.

The ePractice exam for the SCEA will be available soon, so you can give that a try.
Amazing score!
17 years ago