Steve Body

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since Mar 03, 2006
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Recent posts by Steve Body

I've used java for a while on numerous windows machines and had no problem installing. Now I'm trying linux and I have a problem.

I've installed jdk1.5.0_07 on Fedora 5.
I've put the bin in the path.
When I type 'java' at the terminal prompt, I get the following:

"Error occurred during initialization of VM
java/lang/NoClassDefFoundError: java/lang/Object"

I have googled this and there are numerous postings of this problem. There are at least as many 'solutions' as postings. Most of them are pretty useless ('reinstall' (why would that fix it?); 'there could be hundreds of reasons' (but which is the right one?)). Others are inapplicable or don't work.

This has the smell of something fairly simple. Any *useful* insights most gratefully received!


17 years ago
Practical XML, 2nd edition, p92 says that if the attribute value has been declared as simple CDATA, leading and trailing whitespaces are stripped and multiple whitespace characters are replaced with a single whitespace character.

BUT XML 1.1 REC, 3.3.3 says this should be done 'if the attribute type is *not* CDATA'.

Obviously the REC is right. But am I misunderstanding something in Practical XML??? There's nothing about this in the errata ...

[ April 08, 2006: Message edited by: Steve Body ]