Gaurav Gambhir

Ranch Hand
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since Mar 04, 2006
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Recent posts by Gaurav Gambhir

Thanking you I got the answer in your statement " you should have an application which will run on its own without the GUI "
10 years ago
An application is to be developed that manages the wardens and prisoners at a prison. Each prisoner is identified by a unique number. Details, such as name and number of days left to serve in prison, need to be stored for each prisoner as well as the unique identifier. Some prisoners are categorised as high security prisoners, in which case additional information must be stored, such as security level and whether or not the prisoner can share a cell with another prisoner. Wardens have a rank in the range 1 to 5, where a rank of 5 indicates the highest level of experience. The application must provide the following functionality

1.Add,Find,Delete and Release prisoner
2.Add,Find and Delete warden
3.Check if the prison has an appropriate set of wardens for the current prisoners. The prison should have no less than 1 warden for every 5 prisoners. The prison must have 2 wardens of rank 3 or above for every 4 high security prisoners.

Now question is how in GUI to check if the prison has an appropriate set of wardens for the current prisoners. The prison should have no less than 1 warden for every 5 prisoners. The prison must have 2 wardens of rank 3 or above for every 4 high security prisoners.
10 years ago
For the following code
When I run it ,I am getting the image and Login written along with it , but not getting the preselected radio button

Please suggest the reason for the same
10 years ago
That was really my very silly mistake Thanks alot Michael
11 years ago
Even after making JLabel public doesn't solve my problem as when I run the program I am getting Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
11 years ago
For the following code, I am getting the run time error, Please help

Runtime error is coming for the following lines,

11 years ago
For the following code, I am not getting a checkbox

I have Login.png in same folder , when I execute it I get only image without a checkbox. Please help
11 years ago
Many Many Congratulations
14 years ago

Two instances of the following wrapper objects will always be == when their primitive values are the same:

Character from \u0000 to \u007f (7f is 127 in decimal)
Short and Integer from -128 to 127

When you used the value 128, two separate objects are created that's why the answer is false
By Unique what you mean to say