I wanted to know if it is a good practice to have a java class with a static method which is called by servlets in different sessions to add objects of a particular type in that particular session.
My confusion is whether different sessions accessing a static method would behave weird.
We have a framework built on struts and it has a .properties file equivalent to MessageResources.properties file in struts. One of the value in key value pairs in the .properties file has a text "$100" that needs to be displayed in the JSP. The JSP does not display the '$' sign but just displays 100.
Is there a way to get around this? Could anybody please suggest me.
Thanks for your response.But, I did not find a test environment in RAD7, should be installed manually if it is not installed by default ?
In the list of servers that I found in RAD7 there is " WebSphere v5.1 Test Environment ", but I did not find any matching entry for WAS 6.1 like "WebSphere v6.1 Test Environment". I believe Websphere 6.1 itself works like a test environment and there is not separate test environment . Please correct me if I am wrong.
I have the following exception starting the WebSphere 6.1 Application Server. However there is no problem while starting 5.1 Test server.
Also I would like to know if there is no test server with 6.X WebSphere. Because we used to test the application on 5.1 test server and it worked fine, but while trying to upgrade to 6.1 there is no test server. I would like to know if there is any change in the JNDI naming convention or is there something that I am missing.
I have an issue with the firewall on my workstation. I cannot access a web service from my local machine, however I have to deploy the ear on the test server to test any changes in my JSP as well( i mean JSP's after the web svc is accessed). I was thinking of using tunneling to bypass the firewall.
Could somebody please tell me, what is the information I need for opening a tunnel. I also wanted to know if there is any other(better) way of bypassing the firewall to test the application on my local machine.
Hi, I am using spring xml file to do DI into STRUTS2 Action classes. I need to inject the dependency for each request to the action class. I wanted to if it is possible. I have tried it, but the setter method is called only at the time of container startup and not for every invocation of the action class. The bean in spring xml file looks like this
I tried setting the scope of the bean to prototype but that did not work either.
Could somebody please tell me if I am missing something.
I wanted to know if all WAP browsers have cookies enabled. If not is there a way to enable them. I wanted to set cookies on phone browser. Is that a good idea at all?
I wanted to have a splash screen in my application that has some description, a continue button and a check box, the check box when checked should allow the user to be able to go to the login page skipping this particular page from the next visit. My question is should use cookies for this and if so, what if the browser is not cookie enabled.
Thanks for your explanation, I was able to understand the concept, but I have a small doubt, as per my understanding, if the server itself is down we would get java.net.UnknownHostException but if the app on the server is down then we would get java.net.ConnectException.Is that correct? Please correct me if I am wrong.
I would like to know if java.rmi.ServerException would be thrown if the server hosting the web services is down. Also is there a way I could differentiate if the server is down or if there is no data returned. I am using wsdl2java axis tool to generate java classes. This is what I do in my java class.
If I check for (t instanceof java.rmi.ServerException) would it be true if the server is down? Also can I modify the end point URL to an invalid url (like say change the valid port number to an invalid one ) and assume that the server is down Please help me with this.