Pradeep Gudipati

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since Mar 09, 2006
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Recent posts by Pradeep Gudipati

Use the TextField.ANY field and have a state listener whenever user enters a value the state changed will fire up, tell the user that the text field takes only numeric input.
14 years ago

him jain wrote:The storage thing works for the emulator also in netbeans.
It runs the application same as on your mobile device.

1. Go to the appdb folder in your system (for latest version in documents and settings/j2mewtk/appdb ).
2. Go to the folder that has the name of the device you were using.
3. See if you find the in.use file. If such a file is present delete it.
4. Now onwards your data will persist. just like on the device.

Above steps will work for WTK 2.5.2. Please search for the appdb folder if it isn't present at the location mentioned above.

14 years ago
Hey J2ME RMS is different....
A record id when deleted just makes that record inaccessible ! you cant read it again nor edit it. hence if you want the size to reduce delete the whole record store and write all the records again.
Read some book abt J2ME RMS or better read the java docs for deleteRecord of RMS.

14 years ago
14 years ago

Please take a look at J2ME Polish Library.

It has most of the Container structure that you are using albeit ported to j2me.

14 years ago
see sharing knowledge shaved off so many days of valuable time...
WTK 2.5 is the best version ever till now
I guess everybody should stop using earlier versions totally

17 years ago
no put in the number as follows

xxx is the subscriber number

no need for 00 (international calling)

e.g :
if you want to send an sms to a number from another country say india
the number would be


where +91 country code
080 local bangalore code
37382829 some subscriber number

17 years ago
Hey Chetan
Please try the application on the actual device or use nokia emulator. default emulator has some serious problems.
I haven't checked your code but i can confidently say that it will work on the device.
I struggled with similar problem for a month until i checked it on the device.
17 years ago
Hey Chetan
Please try the application on the actual device or use nokia emulator. default emulator has some serious problems.
I struggled with similar problem for a month until i checked it on the device.
17 years ago
Hi I guess the problem here is not with the app receiving the problem is with the sending, is it possible to send an sms from a gsm modem with the port number (+112233434:1212 where 1212 is the port number )???

17 years ago
does ur server allow WAP protocol check that first also try downloading some other application from the same server, if it works then there has to be a problem with ur application.
99 times out of 100 ur server does not allow access to WAP connections.Ask ur sys admin to check into it.
18 years ago
i have created one application using Wireless Tool Kit provided by Sun microsystems.
While running my application Via OTA i got this error
"OTA Error Code (20) - The JAR was not found at the URL given in the JAD. [null]"
Since WTK is not providing jar file i have created jar file by entering following command
jar cfm MyApp.jar MANIFEST.MF -C D:\j2me\midlet classes
Inside JAR file i am having MANIFEST.MF and CLASSES files\folder
After creating jar file i copied that JAR file into WTK\apps\MyAPP\bin folder.
After copying i executed "Run via OTA" feature of WTK to install application is not getting installed it is giving error.I have searched in google but i have not succeded in finding where i made mistake ..If you know where i made mistake then please write to me..

Thanks in advance for your suggestions

U need to create a package from the WTK, use the ktoolbar to do this (Project-->Package-->Create Package) the jad and jar files will be created in the bin file and with the right jad attributes.
18 years ago
Originally posted by Mark Spritzler:
"Because J2ME application are run in a asandbox." You are very limited to how you get to external things, like the Connection Framework for getting HttpConnection, SocketConnection. If on a device there are C apis, only those apis exposed by the manufacturer and in a Jar file will be allowed. Anything else will be blocked to protect the users phone.


J2ME applications are run in a Sandbox environment that is they are not allowed access to features outside the JVM with User written applications.
Most of the devices that are java enabled do not support .dll files. The whole application has to be in a jar format.
Whereas some Symbian devices do support both,...

will get back with the details of which devices support C++ in their JVMs later.
18 years ago
Did u check if u have GPRS enabled and also if u have good range

Pradeep Gudipati
[email protected]
18 years ago