Gabriela Eriksson

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since Apr 04, 2001
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Recent posts by Gabriela Eriksson

Hi all.
I want to make something cool and extra to my homepage. I have made a rotating chain as a gif-image that I want
to use as a scrollbar. Is this possible at all and if so, does anyone have the any code for it?
Thx in ad...
Hi there everyone..=O)
I really could need som hints on how to close a parent window by pressing a close-link. Is this possible? The site has a warning-script popping up. By then pressing the close-link the browswewindow should terminale. (self.close doesn't work)
Thx in ad...
Hi everyone.
I have a little problem here. Working on a page with a whole lot of checkboxes. I now want to make another
checkbox on the top that by marking will mark the first 150 checkboxes as checked. After signing them the customer should be able to go back and check the checkboxes from 150 to 300 with just this one (or two checkboxes marked 1-150 and the other 151-300) checkbox(es) on the top. I knew this once but have
forgotten the syntax. Can anyone help me out here?
By the way...we don't use swing here and they have Java 1.2 and servlets..*sob*
I think I will need a script here ore something
Thx Gab
23 years ago
Thanks Nathan!
I will as soon as possible try to implement your surgestion to solution in my code. Will let u know if it works.
Have an other little question..*blushing*. Do u know how i could make a counter after every checkbox?. I was thinking here and came to the conclution that i need one on every row and after every checkbox.
23 years ago
Hi everyone.
I have a little problem here. Working on a page with a whole lot of checkboxes. I now want to make another checkbox on the top that by marking will mark all other checkboxes as checked. I knew this once but have forgotten the syntax. Can anyone help me out here?
By the way...we don't use swing here and they have Java 1.2..*sob*
Thx Gab
[This message has been edited by Gabriela Eriksson (edited April 04, 2001).]
23 years ago