mithun gooty

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since Mar 14, 2006
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Recent posts by mithun gooty

How to implement web services so that for a single request the service should send multiple reponses?

What are the changes to be made to WSDL to implement Single request Multiple response pattern?
15 years ago
I have an exam Voucher. It expires on 9th April, 2009.

Price: Rs. 4500

I stay in India, Mysore (next to Benagaluru). For more details send an email to [email protected] or call 09916069138
16 years ago
Various keywords like schema, element, simpleType, pattern, string etc are available in the below namespace. My understanding is that when we declare a namespace the parser doesn't hit the URL given in xmlns, it is just a string. But how does the parser validate various elements? A dtd is available in '' location, how does the parser know that a dtd is available in this location?

What is the difference between Namespace and TargetNamespace?
I tried to generate the Client code from the Service Endpoint Interface, but I got the following warning message:

"warning: You have specified : -gen:both or -gen:client with a SEI. The use of these modes are recommended with WSDL only.".

Is there any other way I can generate Client code from SEI?
Everybody in this forum refers to SCDJWS exams as New and Old. But the Sun site refers to only one type of exam (CX-310-220). Can anybody let me know what is the difference and where can I get the details?
Can anybody tell me as to why we need Java Web Service Developer Pack? Is it not possible to create java web services without JWSDP?
You can use runtime.exec()

Hope this helps.
17 years ago
You can use getParameterMap() method of HttpServletRequest class to get all the parameters in the form of a Map.

The returned Map has parameter names as keys and parameter values as map values. The keys in the parameter map are of type String. The values in the parameter map are of type String array.
17 years ago
Hey thank you very much Ulf. I made the changes according to your comments and now its working fine.
17 years ago
Whenever i try to run the following servlet i dont the get output in the current window, instead it displays the following message "Do you want to save?". Each time i need to save to a local folder, double click and open it with the internet explorer. I am using Tomcat5.5.

All the servlet does is take a string and vertically transpose, and display it as an image. Can anybody give the reason as to why this is happening?
17 years ago
Hey thank you very much Ben... now its working..
17 years ago
I have created the following .html and .jsp files, but i am not able to run the jsp file:

I am able to call the HTML file successfully but when i click on the Submit button i get the following error.

I have placed all the files in the right folders. I am using Tomcat5.5 Please help.
17 years ago
The ServletConfig object is used elsewhere in the servlet, and the init method of the superclass registers it where the servlet can find it later. So, you can cause yourself huge headaches later if you omit the super.init call.
17 years ago
ServletConfig is an interface under javax.servlet package. This interface represents a servlet configuration object that passes information from the servlet container to a servlet during the servlet initialization.
17 years ago