Pranav Bhatt

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since Mar 20, 2006
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Recent posts by Pranav Bhatt

Hi All,

We were having our application deployed on Websphere Application Server ver 7.x and were using Work and Timer Manager for creating container managed threads and timer respectively.

Now we have to move our application to IBM WebSphere Application Server Community Edition 3.0. During deployment we are facing errors for Work and Time manager entries in our web.xml file. I tried to search on net how to configure these for WASCE but could not find one. I am not even sure that these exists for WASCE or not.

Please inform if there are any resources or you can guide me in correct direction.

Thanks in advance,
11 years ago
Thanks Ulf.
Regarding Daemon thread, i read the posts here. Here it says if yours is a spring app then you somehow have to find your own way to stop threads. As am not using Spring i guess i can override release(). Not sure how exactly it can be done.. may be have to assign null to thread references so they get garbage collected... Actually i was looking out if there is some standard way of doing it..
12 years ago

We are using Websphere Work Manager (CommonJ) for spawning threads in our application. We are making use of the default WorkManager and through JNDI accessing it in our application. The code snippet is as below:

We keep running the threads which listens to different queues to check for any message and process it. We do get hung messages as below , came to know this can be configured from admin console to stop showing the warning/error or increase the hung detection time.

Now if we stop the application from admin console, these thread don't get stopped and we keep getting the Hung messages. For another deployment another set of threads adds up to the Hung thread count.
I read somewhere that if we declare thread as Daemon then they get stopped (). So is it fine that we declare the threads as Daemon as below or we need to override the release() method too? Our release() is empty as of now.

How exactly can we stop the application thread from running once the application is stopped? It's an old application using Struts 1.x.
12 years ago
As you have used negation (^) outside the box []. It will serve as boundary condition. So this will search any string that starts with either a or b or c.
Check more out here. Boundary Matches
Here is how am trying to use it.

Please inform if am going wrong somewhere.

Thanks again.
Hi all,
Am trying to use conditional style on my jasper report application. I am able to use it but got struck at one point. Actually i have the report elements that gets value from the datasource objects. Now on basis on some condition i was trying to style the report element. Now the problem is that if a single element in a column satisfies the condition all of the elements in that column gets the same style applied. I hope i made myself clear, in case no please inform.

Hi all,
I was using STAR UML for generating class diagrams with existing code (reverse engg). To perform it i went to Tools/Java/Reverse Engineering. This ask to select the files to create diagram. I was able to create the class diagram. But does anyone know how to generate the class dependencies. I mean it should show the base class and child class relationships.
Any help on this would be great.

Please feel free to ask more if i didnt made my point clear.

I thank you all for taking out your time to read this post and contribute your valuable comments and advices. What i feel from all is that i need to memories and practice stuffs(again to memories) to fare well in the game. Cause even i had done the things i find it hard to recall if i had not gone through it before interview .

@Mark- Thanks for your patience for the detailed and informative post.

Once again thanks to all for sharing your experience
15 years ago
Henry that was nice to know too. Though i do have few questions for interviewers like, my role,project i will work on, tech it uses. I do fine in this street of interview but the other one i find uneasy to tread on..
15 years ago
Ya, sort of, i start preparing when i get call... cause preparing in advance leads me to forget stuffs by the time calls come Anyway nobody shared their exp till now..
15 years ago
Hi all,

Well i posted this topic cause i guess i'am unaware of the art of clearing interviews. Well first about me, i have worked on java/j2ee for last 3 years but the thing is that i dont get much chance to code. So what i do is i keep learning things on my own and look for some dev opportunity in other companies.

If i am asked to work i can as i have already practiced it but would have to see the syntax and my previous self-made program to recollect the stuffs.

As i don't work on rigorous hard core dev so have to revise all things from scratch for interviews. Its really hard to revise all the things in such a sort duration and preparing well in advance is no good too as by the time calls come you forget things again.

So just wanted to know how you all people work out on this when you have a call in a day or two. How to you keep yourself prepared?

15 years ago

If you will try with the default Vista Device Management you might not get all the space you want to shrink. I mean if you have some 120GB for a drive and you want to shrink it to 40GB and remaining 80GB as a new drive, then while using the default Management it may not allow you to free all that space.

I faced the same problem as the data gets stored in the disk in different sectors not at same place. I mean it dont get accumulated at the very next place which is unoccupied. You can run diskfragmentor to pile up all the data, this may help to free more space. Or you can download some partition tool to work out with.

I have used EASEUS Partition Master, try it out after downloading.
15 years ago
Cut the cake into two halves. Put one half on top of other, cut again. Now again the put 4 pieces on top of each other. Cut the piled up pieces from top in half again. You get 8 equal pieces with 3 blows...
15 years ago
Thanks for the suggestion Shailesh. I too thought of that but the thing is that the application is in struts (i should have posted it in struts forum ). So i need to do action mapping and all stuff so thought of having individual JSP pages.

Having jsp content within divs too can serve the purpose , but will then have to write all actions(edit,cancel,book..) within a single action class for all forms in different divs.

So was wondering what approach is taken by exp programmers on this..
15 years ago
In my current requirement i have to provide the user a tabbed menu. so he may click on tabs and see the results on parent page itself. All the tabs would be having forms in them, like Edit profile, Cancel Order so on..

Now am thinking to go for this in two ways.

1- Provide JSP's inside divs and show and hide them on click. like

2- Put the entire edit.jsp contents within the div itself.

Please inform which one would be better or should i go for altogether a different approach?

Thanks in advance.
15 years ago