Prafulla N. Patil

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since Mar 20, 2006
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Recent posts by Prafulla N. Patil

do you think this has to work ?

you cannot access request variable directly in expression, in the above code you are directly trying assign value from request variable path, which is not possible.
14 years ago
can you check your jsp @ page directive that must be session = true

<%@ page
[ language="java" ]
[ extends="package.class" ]
[ import="{package.class | package.*}, ..." ]
[ session="true | false" ]
[ buffer="none | 8kb | sizekb" ]
[ autoFlush="true | false" ]
[ isThreadSafe="true | false" ]
[ info="text" ]
[ errorPage="relativeURL" ]
[ contentType="mimeType [ ;charset=characterSet ]" | "text/html ; charset=ISO-8859-1" ]
[ isErrorPage="true | false" ]

This might be one of the reason
14 years ago
not that much clear about your requirement, is there is xml file in Doc or PDF format and you want to create .xml file from that ??

Apache POI - HWPF - Java API to Handle Microsoft Word Files can help you with reading word files and then you can use XML generation with JAVA to create XML files.
14 years ago

as there was no reply from anyone to my post and I was trying to resolve this issue whole day and finally Succeeded and resolution is as follows,

Hidden Field added into the form to populate Confirm functions return value and then it is used to call fun1 or fun2.

java code is as follows .

Problem is resolved now, we have return value in the hidden field now.


I want to call Fun1() if user clicks on OK button in the confirmation message or call Fun2() if user clicks on Cancel button.
Right now what happening is if user clicks on Cancel nothing happens and if user clicks on OK button then onSubmit() is called.

Problem is not able to get return value from Confirm Dialog in wicket class, code is as follows, please suggest.

JFree Chart to create charts and Apache POI to read XLS file.

Java only .. if its me taking this call then only java.. actually depends on project but PHP is definitely not option for Java
15 years ago
Simple formula for Minimum salary in IT industry,

Total Annual Salary = No of years Exp + 2 Lakh

for Freshers its 2 Lakh

for 2 Years exp Professional its 4 Lakh

and for 4 Year its 6 Lakh

this is I am saying about MINIMUM salary, maximum depends on requirement, position, skills and candidate etc.
(This is all about avg cases I have seen so far in India Pune)
15 years ago
String s_student_number = (String)request.getAttribute("student_number_pass");

This should work for you without error and in one statement
15 years ago
temporary workaround for this can be as follows

you can try putting textbox in your jsp and then set the value of the variable to that textbox and then you can access that value once jsp is processed.

but thats true that you can access javascript variable directly in the same JSP
16 years ago
17 years ago
17 years ago
I am also very much intersted.
17 years ago
I have done SCJP and SCWCD and currently
I am working mostly on web applcation projects (JSP's)
no prior experience of EJB or Web Services
I have 2 years of experience.

so which certification is better according to current J2EE job market?
17 years ago