Balaji VR

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since Mar 22, 2006
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Thank you very much. I wanted to move to MQ implemented classes from JMS API. I downcasted the code and it works!

conn = (MQQueueConnection)((MQQueueConnectionFactory)factory).createQueueConnection();


I am trying to get a MQQueueConnection object from MQQueueConnectionFactory object.
I have copied my code snippet below.

MQConnectionFactory factory = new MQQueueConnectionFactory();
// calls to factory.setQueueManager, setPort, setHostName etc.,
// ...
QueueConnection conn = ((MQQueueConnectionFactory)factory).createQueueConnection();
I am finding this "createQueueConnection()" returning an object of type "javax.jms.QueueConnection". But what I need is an "" object.

Please help me.

[ March 20, 2007: Message edited by: Balaji VR ]
Hi All,
I am a J2EE developer and have experience in JSP, Servlets and Struts framework. Can you please suggest me which of the books available in stores would help me to learn and work with JSF.

Thank you.
18 years ago

I have a Sybase table that has a column of type TEXT.

What I am doing is that, I am reading characters from a file, convert them into String object and then insert into this column.
The value of the String gets into the TEXT column.

The String object (roughly 4K characters) gets inserted successfully into the column and when I do a select, i could see the characters correctly stored in the table's column.

But, when I try to insert a very big String(12MB file read), it gets stored as ??? into the table's column.

Please help me.

I have a Sybase table that has a column of type TEXT.

What I am doing is that, I am reading characters from a file, convert them into String object and then insert into this column.
The value of the String gets into the TEXT column.

The String object (roughly 4K characters) gets inserted successfully into the column and when I do a select, i could see the characters correctly stored in the table's column.

But, when I try to insert a very big String(12MB file read), it gets stored as ??? into the table's column.

Im just using the; to save my object to database.

Please help me.
Here we have got 2 cases -> Lets address one by one

Case (1) x.m();

This line absolutely ruled out. The code tries to access a private method outside its class. Strict NO!! NO!! to this.

Case (2) y.m();

Objects are created only during runtime. And Java compiler does n't know what Object the reference (Here "y") is referring to.
Hence, according to Java compiler, the code "y.m()" states that "y" is just the reference to the class "A"..hence the error (As per Case(1)'s rule)

Happy Learning!
Go for Java 1.5..

Good luck & Happy Learning!
Math class API is not there in 1.5 exam version objectives.

Happy Learning!
Well, I took about 40 days for the full preparation. I started with Mastering EJB book. Then I printed out EJB spec and bought HFEJB book. I read them parallely. Once I am done with HFEJB, I was reading only EJB spec

Once I became confident of the EJB conepts, I took the mock exam in HFEJB book. The next day I took mock exam. 2 days after that, I gave SCBCD exam.

Thats it!!!

Again, read this line

"...Accessing resource managers and enterprise beans is disallowed in the session bean methods for which the Container does not have a meaningful transaction context or client security context..."

"..........or client security context..." <---Are you getting it now???

Accessing resource managers and enterprise beans is ALLOWED IF IT HAS CLIENT SECURITY CONTEXT :-)

In CMT, Stateful session bean, for ejbCreate, ejbRemove, ejbActivate, ejbPassivate methods, they have CLIENT SECURITY CONTEXT

Hence the case

Happy Learning!
Your understanding of Handle that is used only by the EJB container is WRONG!!!

"A handle is intended to be used as a "robust" persistent reference to an EJB object" <---- What does this mean?

It means that, once you get an handle to the EKB Object/Home, you can persist them (ata your client side). Later, you can make use of that persisted handle and make calls to your EJB objects/Home whenever you need to.

Refer to page no 65 in EJb spec to see how.

".........interface. The home handle can be serialized and written
to stable storage. Later, possibly in a different JVM, the handle can be deserialized from stable
storage and used to obtain back a reference of the remote home interface...." <-- From EJB spec page no 59.

Jappy Learning!
The below is stated in page 6 of the Java Inner class Specification document.
Note the final declaration. Local final variables such as array are a new
feature in 1.1. In fact, if a local variable or parameter in one class is referred to
by another (inner) class, it must be declared final. Because of potential
synchronization problems, there is by design no way for two objects to share
access to a changeable local variable

To underdstand what it means, read this link

Happy Learning!