parra matta

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Recent posts by parra matta

Hi uday ogra,

Are you a fan of cricket?

The exam is a lot easier than I expected. It's similar like the free mock exam of JDiscuss and

The scwcd was actually a bit more difficult than scbcd because it covers more topics and you have to remember a lot apis and web xml elements.

Good luck
Hi Neo,

Please go to this site have a look.

SCBCD mock exams

The text book I used was HFEJB. I've read it twice. The spec was referenced whenever there was something confusing.

I did not purchase any commercial mock exams. All the mock exams I used were free online. The best ones are jdiscuss and ejbcertificate.

I also wrote down the key points, interfaces and schmema so I can referenced it quickly.
I passed the SCBCD 1.3 exam this afternoon with 100%. I got 85% for the HFEJB final mock exam.

Thanks everyone in this forum.

on Page 498 of HFEJB, it says the finder methods of entity bean have to have trnasaction attribute. Does it really make sense?

The answer given by HFEJB to mock exam question 14 on page 248 is C only. However according to spec page 90, stateless session bean ejbRemove and ejbCreate can access UserTransaction as well if it is BMT.

So I think the answer should be A B C.

Am I right?
Stateless session bean ejbCreate()is completely decoupled from a clients create() call so how on earth can it get a reference to EJBObject !

A stateless session bean is created by the container when it feels/requires


but at no time in this lifecycle is there any EJBObject so how can you refer to it in ejbCreate() ?

What i knOw is -
the container creates a stateless session bean and put it in the pool and invokes ejbCreate().
Here when ejbCreate() is called by the container, no client ever came along and called EJBHome.create() then no EJBObject would ever be created.
In this case how could a stateless session bean ever refer to an EJBObject if one has never been created.
At the bottom of page 142, it says

We use the term "bean" here a little loosely because, conceptually, the server uses only one bean to represent a particular entity. So there would be only one bean with a primary key of #42, but clients may have <b>MULTIPLE</b> EJB object references to it.

Can some one explain it?

At the bottom of page 142, it says

We use the term "bean" here a little loosely because, conceptually, the server uses only one bean to represent a particular entity. So there would be only one bean with a primary key of #42, but clients may have <b>MULTIPLE</b> EJB object references to it.

Can some one explain it?

Hi All,

On page 99 of HFEJB, it says that one entity will have only one EJBObject. However on the bottom of page 142, it says there may be multiple EJB Objects.

May I ask which is right?

Thank you.

I appreciate your help.
Hi Guys,

I am looking around for books for SCEA, do you have any suggestions

Yes, you are right. My question is partially answered.

According to the spec, when you call create on the Home stub, it will eventually return a EJB Object stub to you. I would imagine that the Home object on the server creates the EJB object stub and sends it to the client. So why the HFEJB claims that the EJB object stub as well as Home object stub do not exist on the server? They exist at least until they are sent to client.


On page 109 of HFEJB, it claims that the Home object stub and EJB object stub do not exist on the server. But if they do not exist, how can they be returned to the client?

Are they created on the server and returned to the client and then garbage collected?


On page 100, the third step is "The Home object steps in and adds its service". Should it be "The container steps in and adds its services"?

On page 101, the third step is "The Home/Container steps in and adds its service". Errata says it should be the same as step 3 on page 100. Should it be "The container steps in and adds its services" as well?