Udayakumar Reddy

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since Mar 24, 2006
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Generally http port is 8080 and https port is 8443.
I have done the above configuration and its working fine.
Why dont u try once again.

When u try the link http://localhost:8443
definetly it will display some junk not the actual data.
https://localhost:8443 is the cirrect one.

Just try it once and let me know.


18 years ago

There is a simple way of dong the connection pooling in the Tomcat.

Goto http://localhost:8080/admin

Give username and password default are admin&admin

Then Goto TomcatServer->Service->Host->Ur webapplication->DataSources

Then in the right pan select the Create new DataSource from the combo box.
Give the necessary details in the form and click on save button.
And then logout the admin.

The configuration file will be in the $CATALINA_HOME/conf/Cataline/localhost folder with the ur webapplication name.The extension is .xml.

Then restart ur Tomcat server.
Then try to lookup for the JNDI name which is given in the form and u can get the DataSource from that.then enjoy.........

18 years ago

I have one solution for ur problem. Its very simple to do that.Try the following

If the keystore is avilable just delete it and try the following

Goto the $JAVA_HOME/bin

Type the following
keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA

Give the inputs accordingly

Then uncomment the follwing code in server.xml

<Connector port="8443"
maxThreads="150" minSpareThreads="25" maxSpareThreads="75"
enableLookups="false" disableUploadTimeout="true"
acceptCount="100" debug="0" scheme="https" secure="true"
clientAuth="false" sslProtocol="TLS" />

Restart ur Tomcat.

Then try

Then I guess u wont get any problem.

18 years ago
hi Marcus,

Just try this.I done the following configuration in the tomcat and its working fine.

You said that you need to confogure ur webapplication which is in the path
webapps/reddy. Say reddy is ur webapplication.

Put the following configuration in the below folder under the file reddy.xml


<Context docBase="reddy" path="/" crossContext="false"/>
save the reddy.xml file

If any of the application is pointing like the above way please remove that configuration.
In general ROOT will have the above configuration just remove that from ROOT.xml.

Now Resart ur Tomcat server.

Open IE and type http://www.example.co.uk
The index file in the reddy webapplication will be invoked.

18 years ago

I have a tipical problem.My webapplications are running on tomcat 5.x.
My server is not behind the proxy.

I am using filters in my project.When anybody wants to access the middle page of the site it will redirected to main page.

When the client is behind the proxy and he/she wants to acsess the site,they are redirecting to the main page.

I am not getting where the problem is.This is happening for some pages only.

Can anybody suggests me what the problem is.Is it the problem with the filters or I need to do something with client proxy settings.

If so just tell me how to configure the proxy settings at server side in order to access the site.

18 years ago

I have found an API j2ssh which is free and I am working on that but I am getting a lot of errors. I think it will work for SFTP.

I am working on that.If anyone of u gone through it please guide me.

Thanks in advance.

18 years ago
I am working on FTP uploading and downloding using JAVA.
But the user names and passwords are not secured when I use this
FTP process the user name and passwords are dispaling in normal text.

I read that SFTP will transmit the data in secured manner and it will
encrypt the passwords also.

Now I need an API which supports SFTP or any java program.
I will be glad if it(API) is open.

Thanks in advance

18 years ago