M. Bunyard

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since Mar 28, 2006
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I started learning Java from Walter Savitch's, "Java - An introduction to Computer Science and Programming", which takes a detailed approach to the fundamentals of the language and programming logic. The book has good examples that are often written one way and then rewritten to show a more efficient/improved approach. Each chapter has good projects for the reader to write and understand before moving on.

As Paras Jain mentioned, Bruce Eckel's, "Thinking In Java", is a good book, but as others it assumes some previous knowledge. It reviews the basics, but it not nearly as detailed as the Savitch book. It is a great book to get an understanding before researching, plus the previous (3rd edition) is free in PDF format, so taking a look can't hurt.
17 years ago
You could use a return statement in the catch block, which should stop execution of the finally block.
17 years ago

From the imported java.util.* package, it appears that you are trying to instantiate a java.util.List object. A java.util.List object cannot be instantiated due to the fact that it is an interface, but you can do the following if the Collections List is what your after:

The "java.util" is pre-pended when defining the mylist variable to remove the ambiguity in which List class (or interface) to use (either predefined java.util.List interface or your List class).
17 years ago