ram gaurav

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since Mar 29, 2006
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Recent posts by ram gaurav

Thanks Sir.

I make it out with help of HTML and JavaScript.


I am using REALM Security Mechanisim for the first time.
I have created the following files :

1. /META-INF/context.xml
And its contents are as follows:

2. /WEB-INF/users.xml
And its contents are as follows:

3. /WEB-INF/web.xml
And its contents are as follows:

I am using TOMCAT 5.x and when i am writting the URL in browser:


As my resource is in admin folder.

It popup a window and asking me username and password but not accepting even i am entering right credentials.

Can you please tell me where i am goin wrong?

17 years ago

In SWT can we add an image inside checkbox.

17 years ago
Thanks a lot.

That means i dont have to bother for that.

Thanks again.
17 years ago
Sir images is coming ... but few word in that not clearly as they should be.

Like the word is generated testing.. Then e might not print well or any other word will not print well...
17 years ago
Thanks for your response Sir.

I am talking about the image which is generated by JCaptcha
17 years ago

I want to stop abuse while sending E Mail and for that i am using JCaptcha.

I am just at initial stage of it ......... but what i am noticing is that the IMAGE which contains the letters is not coming clear.

Can you please tell me that what to do for that.?

17 years ago
Thanks to all.

So what i understand is that We cannot include an EAR into other EAR.

Am i right.?

I have created one application named "abc.war" and integrated that into "myApp.ear". I know that we can include as many WARS in EARS file.My question is :

"Can we include one EAR file into other EAR file or can we only be able to include only WAR and JAR file in EAR file."


I am trying to include jsp page in jsf:

But when i try to run my page it gives me following error:

java.io.IOException: Illegal to flush within a custom tag

Can you please suggest me that what should i do.

17 years ago
But there is no good material available anywhere also, Then what to do
17 years ago

Can you please tell me some good book for Shale Framework

17 years ago

I am using JSF and now i want to use Shale with that.

I am using jdk 1.5( Tiger ) and Shale 1.0.4.

My problem is that i am not being able to use Shale in that , like when i use shale in it does not initialize the Backing Bean due to which i received NullPointerException
17 years ago

In my previous code i have add few things

and now Connection refused error is not coming, but now HTTP 403 ( Forbidden : The server understood the request, but is refusing to fulfill it. Typically due to file access permissions on the server. )

Can you please tell me that why it is not allowing me and giving HTTP 403 error.

Ya , that can be the reason because we are running with some firewalls in our systems.

So how to proceed with that