Meghana Meduri

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since Mar 29, 2006
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Recent posts by Meghana Meduri

Yes, there are parameters passed to this procedure.
we also have this unmatched colon issue. But the error for that scenario is "Incorrect syntax".
We have three production servers and this invalid column exception is happening only in one server.
The classpath for All these server is same and also codebase. hence I don't see why this is happening on only one server.

We are facing few problem with running a stored procedure through our java program in production. Same code works fine in all other environments (devl). even in production it works well except when there is lots of activity (Like some jobs trying to update database) going on in the database.

Exception we get is
Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: [Microsoft][SQLServer 2000 Driver for JDBC]Invalid column name:<column name>

The same procedures run within no time from Sql server console (not sure what our DBA is using).

Do you think of any reasons for invalid coulmn name exception for slow running queries?

your input would be a great help.
Thank you
Thanks a lot.
It is really nice to see all your replys.
Yes, I do greet them when I see them or give them a smile.
Today is better than yesterday.

Hyderabad is my home city. I really miss it.

Thanks a lot for encouraging me..
18 years ago
Please move to the right forum if this is not the right place to post.

I have joined new company just three days ago..
Though I work in a team, people here do not talk with each other. They do not have lunch together and they do not go for breaks.
I don't want to go to their desks.
I am feeling a bit lonely and scared as everything is new to me..

How can I make friends?
18 years ago
I too agree that getting NULLPointerException is bug in a code.
By refactoring code I meant to look through the different scenarios and check for null so that code will not through null pointer exception.
By throwing application exception I meant a scenario where if value of a specific object is null where as it should not, then I would check for null and give a gracefull error message back to the user by throwing application exception.

In Short,
Sometimes having null is valid scenario where application should just ignore it and sometimes it is not, In which case I would throw a Application exception by checking for null.
18 years ago
Null Pointer Exception is RuntimeException. You don't want to catch it and rethrow it instead you may want to refactor your code to throw application exception by checking for null where that object should not be null.

you can put your code in try-catch block.
[ September 06, 2006: Message edited by: Meghana Meduri ]
18 years ago
Thanks a lot for both your replys.
You are correct Frank, The schema is defined with ordered grouping that is xs:sequence.

I thought of using xs:all but the schema is owned by some other group and I cannot change it. Hence, I was thinking if there is any way that this feature can be switched programatically.

The XML document that is fed into my application gets processed by an XSLT. Hence as a work around, we have updated XSLT to ensure the sequence of the elements.
When I try to validate my xml document with schema, it checks if the input xml has the elements in the order/sequence they are defined in the schema.

But problem is, my xml document can contain these elements in any sequence.
Example if elements x, y,z are defined in the schema in the sequence below.

then my xml document may not necessarily get the elements in the same sequence.
All I want to check is if my xml has those elements in them. I am not much considered about the sequence.

Is there is any setting while validating xml document which ignores the sequence?

I am using JDOM.

Your input is very much appreciated.

Thank you.
Standard UML notations may not have all the notation that you are looking for. In which case you may want to create your own notation.

Example: Regular classes as retangular box with sharp edges.
Servlets as rectangular box with round edges, which will stand out.

your choice.
Thank you Peer Reynders,
I refactored my code using value objects.

I can say that this project is coding while other team is analyzing the requirements. I guess 80% of them are done. based on which I designed this application. But as days pass by I see that every day new factor is being added to the current rules. So, I want to refactor current code to accomodate such factors.

And these factors need to be updated at eveyr place where rules are called.

The input to this application will be an XML document, which need to be converted into another xml document which confirms to the schema.

The following are some of the key processing points while conversion.
- Some of the child elements should be converted to buch of elements.
- Some of the child elements are required. But unfortunatly there is no schema to validate this i/p xml document.
- Some of the required elements may be empty, so, there will be an alternate xpath which can be used to fill in these empty elements.

All these are driven by rules engine written in mainframes.
So when each special scenario is processed, the factors/qualifiers to call these rule vary. One factor may act like a rule owner in one context and like a factor/qualifier in other context.

I really appreciate both your replys.

Thank you
I am at a stage where I have to refactor my code to accomodate future changes without changing mehtod signatures.
I have like 10 methods that take about 5 method parameters.
Couple of these methods are called recursively.
And few are called from other methods.
The input parameters from one method are passed to other methods.
The role of the input parameters vary based on the method.

private void createElem(Element doc, String factor1, String factor2, String factorOwner){

Element elem = getElem(factor1, factorOwner);


private Element getElem(String factorOwner, String factor){

/*some mainframe rule is called with rule owner as factor owner*/

In the example, factors are like the input criteria to the rule engine and factorOwner will define which rule to run.
As it is obvious that based on the function, different rules need to be processed.

I see that there could be potential increase in the input criteria.
in which case, I don't want to change the method signature to take that new factor as the method parameter.

I thought of using a value object called Factors that holds all the input crtieria.
But the problem is with the recursive calls as the role of the factor depends on the method in which it is executing, I need to add logic to update this value object in each method and I cannot retain previous values else I need to create new value object each time, which can be a overhead.

Any Ideas how to refactor such code, where there can be potential increase in the mehtod parameters.
Nice to read this post.

I am in a position where I m doing lots of trail and error coding.

Unfortunately, code I am working on uses most of the in house frameworks and modules and people here are very resistance to give some information on them.
Situation is like, they don't have any documentation and they don't want to spend any time when there are issues with their modules.
I feel I am very unfortunate to work in this team.

Do you have any approaches to handle such situations even when talking with your project manager does not work.
Hello pathan,
I know very little. Hope this helps you.

I don't know about taxes as it varies from state to state. in an avg you will end up paying about 34% (which includes federal and state taxes). Federal tax is pretty much same for all states but state tax will vary.

Living expenses wise, NJ is expensive when compared to midwest states. for one bed room you might be paying around 1000$. sharing with someone will always help.

I think there is a public transpotation in NJ, so you can remove car expenses if you have someone who can help you with groceries and other stuff.

Hope this helps.
18 years ago
Are you suggesting to create Iframe and add it to the body onclick of the hyperlink?
you can pass those values are url parameters to the second servlet url,
or you can have them as hidden fields and when you click on the hyperlink, submit the form, the action of the form would be your second servlet.
In later case, when you submit the form the values are automatically sent in request object to your second object.

If you are using JSP and usebean tag, then the values are set to the bean defined in the usebean tag. and from your servlet get the bean from the scope defined in the usebean and get values from the bean
18 years ago