Sri Ram

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since Apr 04, 2006
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Hi Pawan

Thanks for the reply, i enquired with some of the people working over there, they also said the same thing, The role involves lot of design and coding activities and less of project management work and its equivalent to that of a senior software engineer, this roles grooms the individual to a technical architect
17 years ago

The position is equivalent to Senior Software Engineer, actually they have two streams. one is management stream there its equivalent to programmer analyst and in the technical stream its Technical specialist
17 years ago
Hi all, i got an offer from an Indian MNC . they have offered a designation as Technical Specialist and the pay is 6.55L per annum, i have been asked to join their "mahindra city" office in chennai. could you please advice on the kind of work what "Technical Specialist" do, They are yet to confirm the project i will be put in, so it would be great if you guys can share your views, i have 3 years experience in java/j2ee , im currently with a MNC my current CTC is 4.1
17 years ago
@ Ali Aman

I think the definition what u gave is for the difference between CMP(and BMP beans

CMP == Container Managed Persistence

BMP == Bean Managed Persistence

Transaction is something similar to the Database transaction,if u wanna write any transaction code in your bean using the services of JTS or JTA you go for Bean Managed Transaction

and when u allow the container to manage the same its called Container managed Transaction

The transaction attribute of the bean is defined in the transaction type tag in the ejb-jar.xml (Deployment descriptor)
Well i have the other side of the story, there are some interviewers who donno what to ask

I have 2 yrs exp in Java/J2ee, I attended an interview with a big MNC 6 months back ,the guy who interviewed me for Java Position asked me all SQL and PL/SQL questions, i clearly told him im not an expert in SQL and PL/SQL,i know only basic knowledge on both and I have been working on Java/J2EE, he never bothered to listen

He started asking questions like how will you make sure that only authorised users are allowed to execute a query and so on , and atlast just as a formality he asked me a Java Question

How will you find the memory that an object occupies after being created in java 1.4

I said we have to write some kinda program to solve this by using system and Runtime classes

he said he wanted a single method in the java1.4 API to do this

and thats all the interview was over

that was really a shocking experience for me, i thought that guy is an , no more words to describe it
18 years ago
Hi ranchers, how is ANZ IT banglore, what are the growth prospects and work culture over there
18 years ago
Thanks Chris

Im following the same methodology now, but just curious to know why the getclass wont work , wont the class which the container is going to implement the Home Interface will be of the same type as the Home.class???

what procedure does the container follow to implement a home interface and return a home object
Hai Prem

Thanks for the solution, i know if i can directly put my class name as an argument it would work, the problem is my application design prevents me from having the myhome.class in the same package as in the service locator, because if i have 1000 EJBs then i have to have 1000 Home interface classes in my service locator package that would blow up my main idea of using a service locator

the main idea is

the developer who is gonna use my service locator will use the following method

MyHome home = ServiceLocator.getHome(jndiName)

so inside the Servicelocator's getHome method i would find the home object of the ejb with the corresponding JNDi name and use the narrow method and send it back to the developer

so what would be the solution for this problem

so i thought of using this kinda shortcuts
Hi all

Im doing a look up for my home interface of the bean in my service locator in the following manner

InitialContext ic = new InitialContext(ht);
Object o = ic.lookUp("mybean");
MYHome home = (MYHome)PortableRemoteObject.narrow(obj,obj.getClass());//instead of using the class name of MYHome im using the getClass method

The problem is this code is working for me fine when im running it on weblogic server sp4 but the same gives an ClassCastException: Cannot narrow remote object to java.lang.class when run on weblogic sp3

im sure that the problem is not with the version

is it a wrong idea to use obj.getClass() to get the class object of the Homeobject instead of using MYHome.class

pls guide me, im really in a soup
Hi all

Im doing a look up for my home interface of the bean in my service locator in the following manner

InitialContext ic = new InitialContext(ht);
Object o = ic.lookUp("mybean");
MYHome home = (MYHome)PortableRemoteObject.narrow(obj,obj.getClass());//instead of using the class name of MYHome im using the getClass method

The problem is this code is working for me fine when im running it on weblogic server sp4 but the same gives an ClassCastException: Cannot narrow remote object to java.lang.class when run on weblogic sp3

im sure that the problem is not with the version

is it a wrong idea to use obj.getClass() to get the class object of the Homeobject instead of using MYHome.class

pls guide me, im really in a soup