Yogendra Joshi

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since Apr 04, 2006
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So we are currently analysing if it is feasible to move out from MyEclipse->Eclipse and one of the areas where we are currently stuck is EJB Deploy.

In "MyEclipse" there is an option - 'Run EJB Deploy' which generates ".ejbDeploy" folder with the stubs, tie's and skeletons for the EJB project while in Eclipse Kepler there is "Prepare For Deployment" option(Right Click on Project->Java EE Tools->Prepare for Deployment) which I am presuming does the same thing.

However, when I select 'Prepare for Deployment', it conveniently ignores it and does not do anything, no errors in the ".log" file or elsewhere.

I am not sure what needs to be done to ensure this works the same way as MyEclipse IDE so that it generates ".ejbDeploy" folder like it does in MyEclipse.

Any insights will be helpful.

P.S: We are currently using EJB 2.1 and dont have any plans to move to EJB 3.0 soon so steps related to EJB 2.1 will help. Also, for the purpose of this evaluation, we are using Websphere 7.0 which is the server that we want to use
Hi Friends,

I have recently started evaluating Spring Web Flow for our legacy MVC application and one of the most important requirements for us, is to be able to maintain state across requests. No. I am not talking about HttpSession state or maintaining state whilst the user is in the application, but rather saving the state of the flow in database and then being able to return to the flow which the user last visited before being logged out. I have tried locating sample applications on the Spring Git page but unable to find anything related to the requirement we have.

So here is the sequence of steps we want to achieve:

1. User logs in to the application, Navigates to Screen A->Screen B->Screen C and then gets distracted due to some work and does not navigate to Screen D. After a while user gets logged out.
2. User Re-Logs in to the application, there is a option like "Goto to the last visited page for this Application Id", The user selects this option
3. User should be able to see the page where the user was before being logged out i.e start of Screen D as Screen A,B and C have been saved to Persistant Store (DB in this case).

I understand from the analysis I have done uptil now that we need to implement something called as ConversationManager where SWF wil delegate the call but what I I really want to know :

1. How is the ConversationManager implemented, do we have to write a custom class, if yes what are the methods, method inputs and attributes that we have to save to DB?
2. How will the flowExecutionUrl be saved to DB and how to retrieve it back from the database

I am expecting any and every help from all the authors / evangelists of Spring Web Flow who have been there and done that!

Thanks in Advance,
11 years ago
I am working on evaluating Spring Web Flow for handling conversational flows in the web application that is currently used. Currently, the web application that we are using is a custom company developed MVC framework that was developed 10+ years back when there was no Spring MVC or Struts etc. There is a ControllerServlet in the application which is currently doing the work of managing the requests, similar to DispatcherServlet of Spring MVC.

Now, we want to take advantage of the Spring Web Flow features and renew the application and ease the developers life. I would like to know from all you people out here who had similar experiences in the past of migrating legacy MVC application to Spring Web Flow.

Some of the questions which come naturally to my mind are:

  • Configuration changes to web.xml? or adding a spring related xml file?
  • Any changes that we need to make to the JSP's? I am assuming Spring Web Flow will require me to make changes in the JSP's. What do you guys feel?
  • How could we get rid of the ControllerServlet? or better yet ask the ControllerServlet to refer to Spring Web-Flow for all the requests?
  • If Spring Web Flow is replacing the ControllerServlet, what happens to all the code that is written in it? what equivalenet of Spring Web Flow do we need to write?

  • Please suggest the configurations and / or changes which I should be looking at to take this into right direction.

    Thanks, Yogendra
    11 years ago

    Nina Hackelberg wrote:What about Germany? We are looking for experienced Java Developers. Check out http://www.epic-companies.com/join

    Nina, I would be equally interested in the opportunity that you are mentioning about. Please let me know how we could proceed on this. My personal email address is [email protected]

    11 years ago
    Howdy Ranchers,

    I am currently working on populating a dropdown from a list of school id's and I am not sure if returning a list of LabelValueBean from Data Access Layer is a good approach? What I mean to say is, I have a application which follows EJB architecture where entry point is the Struts Action or the Command class followed by the Business Delegate-> EJB-> Application Service -> DAO - DB. Now in the DAO layer, I have a query to which I pass the list of school id's and it returns me the filtered list of schools which are present in the Database along with their name. So I have a School Name and School Id which I would like to put into LabelValueBean("schoolName","schoolId") and then returning it to the action, set it into Session / Request attribute and then populate the dropdown using .

    Is it preferable to return a list of LabelValueBean from the DAO layer like:

    Please help me out on the same.

    11 years ago
    Hi Recruiters,

    I am Yogendra N Joshi from Mumbai, India. I have 9 Years of hands-on experience on Core Java and J2EE 1.5 along with 4 years of experience in Agile process following developments using Sprints. I am SCJP 5.0 and OCWCD 5.0 certified and currently hold a Bachelors Degree in Computer Science with valid US B1 Visa. I even have an onsite experience of 6 months interfacing with client at Chandler, Arizona, United States. I have extensive experience working on Spring Framework 3.0 especially on Spring Security, Spring MVC and Spring Core along with Hibernate 3.x, Struts 1.x, JSP, Servlets, EJB 2.1 and tools namely Jira, Fisheye, Crucible, Greenhopper, SVN, Maven, Gradle.

    I am currently seeking job opportunities either in the United States or in the Europe and available with immediate effect. I am open for re-location as well as open for working across the United States / Europe.

    My linkedin profile is : http://in.linkedin.com/pub/yogendra-joshi/31/361/a1b

    Yogendra N Joshi
    11 years ago
    Hi Nam,

    I would be interested to write technical articles on Java. I have 9 years of experience on Java / J2EE along with Spring and Hibernate.

    Please let me know how can I contribute the same.

    11 years ago
    Howdy Ranchers!

    Our project has recently started using Spring Framework ( 3.0 ) version and I had this question about Struts ApplicationResources.properties. We have this file mentioned as:

    As shown above, we have around 10-15 modules which has its own struts-config.xml and line as above, now since we have started using Spring framework, I would like to use the Spring "ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource" class from the package org.springframework.context.support so that we could reload the property key values instantly instead of waiting to restart the server. Is there any way we could override the struts-config configuration above and use this:

    Any help will be appreciated?

    Yogendra N Joshi
    11 years ago
    Can anyone please reply on my post above

    13 years ago
    Hi Ranchers,

    We have a web application using WLS 10.3.4 and we want to set the UTF-8 as charset for certain modules. For ex: Admin, Access etc... I would like to know from you all whether the below is possible in weblogic.xml

    What we are actually trying to do is provide multiple url patterns for which UTF-8 should be set as character encoding method. Somehow the above changes always take the first entry only. /admin/* in this case. I would like to know how we can go about entering UTF-8 charset for multiple url pattern in the above format....

    Thanks in Advance,
    Yogendra N Joshi
    13 years ago
    [quote=Dave Rodger]Why didn't you take the new exam? It covers all the new material. SCWCD 5 is material from 4 years ago...[/quote]

    I believe the exam should be given for the release that the corporate world is working on, my company and the other companies that I have my friends in, they all use SCWCD 5.0 yet and hence I thought giving 5.0 makes more sense.

    Though I can always upgrade at a later stage but right now 5.0 was something I wanted to go for. Also, When I was giving this exam, we didn't had the new JSP and Servlet Exam available in India, or may be my understanding is incorrect but that is what I was told by the testing center and it was natural for me to go for the latest that they had i.e OCWCD 5.0


    13 years ago

    Prasad Krishnegowda wrote:

    Yogendra Joshi wrote:HttpServletRequest.getSession() - This method returns a new session irrespective of whether one already exists...

    request.getSession(), will check for the existing one, if session exists it returns it.. if no current session only, it will create a new session..

    Hey Prasad,

    Thanks for correcting me. I just looked the API and its exactly what you are saying.

    Learning Day Today!

    13 years ago
    Does anyone have time reviewing my question?

    Yogendra N Joshi.
    13 years ago

    nithin chinni wrote:Sorry found the solution. It seems JPS have some kind of useless stuff............ So i was having that problem. By using this statement I could figure out my problem
    <%@ page session="false" %>

    Hey Nithin,

    JSP's does not have useless stuff. Its just that your knowledge on jsp and servlet API is too weak If you look up the HttpServletRequest API you will notice there are two methods for getting the session:

    HttpServletRequest.getSession() - This method returns a new session irrespective of whether one already exists...
    HttpServletRequest.getSession(boolean) - If you pass false in here, It will always look for an existing session, if it doesnt find one, It will return null, if you pass true, it will check if there is an existing session, if it doesnt find one, It will create new one.

    So in your code, when you wanted to check for the existing session, you should have done request.getSession(false), It would have given you an existing session.

    Once you get hold of the session, you can set the attribute using HttpSession.setAttribute methods and use that attribute on every page where you need to display the userName.

    I Hope I have been clear in making you understand your issue.

    13 years ago

    pedro abs wrote:How can I verify the ocurrence of <load-on-startup> Servlet?
    Which log "<tomcat installation>/log" I have to search for verify that some servlet configured with <load-on-startup>1</load-on-startup> has been loaded?

    Why do you need to know that? Just incase you are still curious to know, then you can use ServletContext.log inside your servlet code and you can check the servlet loaded on the server startup.
    13 years ago