Nina Hackelberg wrote:What about Germany? We are looking for experienced Java Developers. Check out
Prasad Krishnegowda wrote:
Yogendra Joshi wrote:HttpServletRequest.getSession() - This method returns a new session irrespective of whether one already exists...
request.getSession(), will check for the existing one, if session exists it returns it.. if no current session only, it will create a new session..
nithin chinni wrote:Sorry found the solution. It seems JPS have some kind of useless stuff............ So i was having that problem. By using this statement I could figure out my problem
<%@ page session="false" %>
pedro abs wrote:How can I verify the ocurrence of <load-on-startup> Servlet?
Which log "<tomcat installation>/log" I have to search for verify that some servlet configured with <load-on-startup>1</load-on-startup> has been loaded?