Hello Eric
I am sorry. What i said was blunder , it is not working .
I am using the pop-up calendar from
http://www.yxscripts.com i have a code like this
<script language="javascript" src="js/cal2.js">
<html:text property="toDate" /> <a href="javascript:showCal('Calendar2')"><img src="images/calendar.jpeg" border="0"></a>
and my showCal function does the things what
you exactly guessed calWin=window.open("","cal","toolbar=0,width="+calWidth+",height="+calHeight+",screenx="+(winX+calOffsetX)+",screeny="+(winY+calOffsetY));
and now what i am trying to do as u said is
calWin.document.open("blankpage.html"); i hope it will work ,i cannot test it now as i have to move the code to the https server.
i will post it how it works when i deploy to htttps server.
anyways lots of thanks